
Forum Replies Created

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  • 11. Dezember 2019 at 13:39 #47751

    Hallo Hicki,

    Es gibt leider nur 2.44 als Download-Link. Diesen findest du auf unserer Downloadseite unter Legacy Versionen.

    11. Dezember 2019 at 13:37 #47750

    Hi Alex,

    Are both connected via WiFi? If so, you can test the server unit on an ethernet connection to see if it gets rid of the sync losses.

    You can also make sure your devices run ideally in the Settings/Reboot Health Checker.

    11. Dezember 2019 at 13:33 #47749

    Hi Steve and Alex,

    We are aware of the issues with Bluetooth and are currently working on a fix. If you have any further infos on your observed misbehaviour, please post them here or in the Bluetooth Beta thread.

    11. Dezember 2019 at 13:31 #47748

    Hallo Florian,

    Laut deine Ausgabe wurde die Soundkarte und dessen Treiber nicht eingebunden.

    Bitte geh einmal ins HiFiBerry Menü von Max2Play, wähle „keine“ bei Soundkarte aus, starte neu und wähle erneut den HiFiBerry Digi/Digi+ als Auswahl und starte erneut neu.

    11. Dezember 2019 at 13:27 #47747

    Hallo Hicki,

    Wir werden versuchen einen Fix in dem nächsten Update nachliefern zu können. Unsere Updates haben keinen festen Release-Date vorm Ausrollen. Du kannst jedoch die Frequenz dieser in unserem Changelog einsehen.

    11. Dezember 2019 at 13:17 #47745

    Hi fsarrias,

    Alex means the apt-get update in the Raspberry Settings. There’s a button for it at the end of the page.

    11. Dezember 2019 at 13:16 #47744

    Hi whatta,

    Glad to hear you found a fix! 🙂

    11. Dezember 2019 at 12:16 #47743

    Hi Silax,

    Your sd card should be recognized by windows regardless of which image is on there. Can you still boot the image with your Pi? Have you tried another sd card with reader to make sure it’s not the reader that might cause the issue?

    11. Dezember 2019 at 11:57 #47742

    Hi Nojelc,

    Thanks for the quick update.

    The jessie image upon which your current install is based has by now been replaced by Raspbian Buster (and previously also by Raspbian Stretch). If you have the possibility, please try making a backup of your current install with our image burner and try out the newest Max2Play image based on Buster to make sure the issue is not connected to your hardware and check whether it persists with this newer version. This image also includes a slightly newer version of Kodi.

    11. Dezember 2019 at 10:26 #47740

    Hi Jacques,

    This solution for boot from USB might give you some ideas.

    11. Dezember 2019 at 10:09 #47739

    Hi FeinRib,

    You can look up the exact version of your Android and see if there’s a specific HowTo on that.

    The one I linked is for Marshmellow which is a bit older.

    6. Dezember 2019 at 16:43 #47705

    Hallo Marcel,

    Hast du mit dem neuen Image einen Wechsel von unserem Stretch Image auf unser Buster Image für Raspberry Pi 4 gemacht?

    Bitte prüf einmal welche Version du hast im Settings/Reboot menu damit wir deine Probleme richtig einordnen können.

    Das Thema Bluetooth wird bereits in mehreren Themen aktuell besprochen und wir suchen nach einer Lösung die für alle Probleme Abhilfe schafft und jedes Setup abdeckt.

    Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden im Bluetooth Beta thread und auch in anderen laufenden Diskussionen.

    6. Dezember 2019 at 15:30 #47700

    Okay, so a PSU issue is unlikely.

    Could you try out another image (official Raspbian download) to rule out a general issue with the Raspberry Pi and AMP2 hardware?

    6. Dezember 2019 at 12:48 #47697

    Hi guys,

    Stephane, you mentioned that the issue occurs when the AMP2 is connected and it doesn’t when it’s removed.

    What power supply are you using with the AMP2?

    max2headroom, have you tried booting the Pi without AMP2? Do you have 5V power supply to test this out?

    6. Dezember 2019 at 12:41 #47696

    Hi Nojelc,

    Which version of Max2Play (debug from Settings/Reboot) and which version of Kodi do you have?

    Have you tried the upgrading Kodi button yet?

    6. Dezember 2019 at 12:30 #47695

    Hallo Florian,

    Der Digi+ wird definitiv unterstützt.

    Kannst du den debug info log von Audioplayer hierher kopieren? Es sollten mehrere Kanäle mit der Signature „snd_hifiberry“ sichtbar sein wenn die Karte erkannt wurde.

    6. Dezember 2019 at 12:26 #47694

    Hi Florian,

    First see if the health checker in Settings/Reboot is affected by access from any apps.

    Then, check the debug info on the Squeezebox Server menu to make sure the server is not having any issues during access.

    If you have another SD card, you can also try copying your image with our image burner plugin to another card to make sure yours is not corrupted in any way.

    6. Dezember 2019 at 12:17 #47693

    Hi whatta,

    The default sleep timer for HDDs with max2play should be 180 seconds. If the drive keeps spinning after that amount of time, let us know and try changing it according to the instructions in this thread.

    6. Dezember 2019 at 12:14 #47692

    Hi FeinRib,

    Thanks for sharing! I’m sure this can be a great resource for other users as well.

    Are you using the stretch or the buster image?

    6. Dezember 2019 at 12:09 #47691


    YouTube tightened up their protections against 3rd party apps, unfortunately. They want to push their new YouTube subscriptions and avoid people circumventing the restrictions on free play from phones.

    Other platforms and outlets should still work fine.

    However, you can try out the Bluetooth plugin for direct streaming, this should also work with YouTube.

    6. Dezember 2019 at 12:05 #47690

    Hi fsarrias,

    We are looking into this issue. Which version is your Pi4 and what other features of Max2Play do you use?

    6. Dezember 2019 at 12:02 #47689

    Hallo Andreas,

    Wir haben es definitiv auf dem Schirm, sind jedoch aktuell noch mit bestehenden Umsetzungen und Anpassungen für den Raspberry Pi 4 beschäftigt.

    6. Dezember 2019 at 11:56 #47688

    Hi fsarrias,

    Sorry about the late reply.

    Did you try deactivating Spotify player and seeing whether Shairport works after?

    This way we can make sure that your Shiarport is not faulty.

    6. Dezember 2019 at 11:52 #47687

    Hallo alex,

    Hast du nach den Updates die Bluetooth Installation neu ausgeführt und das System neugestartet?

    Bitte nenn uns noch dein genaues Setup (Pi-Version und Plugin-Nutzung), damit wir es hier nachstellen können.

    4. Dezember 2019 at 15:17 #47678

    Hi max2headroom,

    We tried to recreate your issue with the exact same setup and tried with three different variants.

    Either your Pi has a specific issue, your sd card does or it’s something to do with your home network.

    How many newly burnt images did you try out? Did you burn it using Etcher or another software?

    4. Dezember 2019 at 13:22 #47675

    Hi Che,

    Is it possible you have two instances of the Server running in your environment? Those could interfere with one another.

    I assume your old Squeezeboxes might have a conflicting second server. Please check the URLs and players connected.

    4. Dezember 2019 at 13:19 #47673

    Hi pema,

    For usb drive you do not need to add a path and mountpoint. This is only for network drives like NAS systems. With USB, it’s automatic mounted and available at mnt/. I assume the triple entries for all mounts might the problem why one drive is not recognized.

    4. Dezember 2019 at 13:17 #47672

    Hi Palme,

    Have you tried resetting the Jivelite to Max2Play presets in our web interface?

    4. Dezember 2019 at 13:16 #47671

    Hallo Michael,

    Dem steht grundsätzlich nichts im Wege. Das WLAN sollte WPA2-verschlüsselt sein, damit Max2Play sich damit verbindet. Einfach im Access Point Mode nach dem Netz suchen und Schlüssel eingeben. Nach einem Neustart ist das Gerät dann verbunden. Für die Anwendungen würde ich grunsätzlich das Squeezebox Setup empfehlen. Server und Squeezelite auf dem selben Pi und dort dann alle features nach belieben einrichten.

    29. November 2019 at 12:44 #47643

    Hi max,

    You can also link to uploaded images from other hosts in the forums to share screenshots.

    I would advise you connect a screen via hdmi to see where the boot sequence stops and whether the access point initiation is even started or not.

Viewing 30 posts - 91 through 120 (of 4,111 total)