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Posted in: Abacus AroioDAC made in Germany
26. Juni 2018 at 16:55 #36372
Hi Heiner
This is really helpful.
I have Android,
So are you saying install Squeezebox server by connecting it to the internet, then install Squeezelite on my android phone to control Squeezebox?Sorry for sounding unsure but I just want to make sure I understand so that I know I’m doing the right things.
And once again Heiner, I really appreciate the great work you do and your ongoing invalid help.
Thanks25. Juni 2018 at 17:05 #36359Hi Heiner
My system is a standalone system. I have a M2P with the access point module installed hooked up to a 2TB hardrive.
This setup also has Kodi running on it that boots up automaticallyThere are no wired connections to the M2P except power and the lead to the 2TB hardrive from the Pi
When I power it up, I access the files using my phone’s WiFi and the Kode app which is installed on my phone and this uses the access point, to get access to the pi/M2P
I’m not or can’t use hdmi in the way I need to use it, it has to be a true standalone unit also without a router, which as you have said that’s the whole point of the access point
That’s how I’m running it but recently it’s developed another Fault where Kode finds it, but when it does it disconnects the access point for some strange reason
Hope this makes sense now , maybe I have missunderstood how your project worked, if so my apologies, I thought it was a true standalone system controlled wirelessly using a Kodi app
A16. Juni 2018 at 17:46 #36212Solved, well kind of;;;
Hi anyone who might have been following this…Make sure your Kode app is’nt running..
Then fire up your m2p.
In your Android go to control/wifi and find your m2p accesspoint signal and choose it.
Another screen (m2p main page) will pop up. Locate the 2 dots top left and hit them. Choose „use network as is“
No go back to your control/wifi screen and locate your m2p signal.
When you have DONT tap and choose it, hold your finger on it until it comes up with 3 options.
The one you want is Modify this network.
Pick that, when you have, the next screen will ask you for a password, enter it here. This is the password used in your accesspoint setup.From there go to Kode app. fire it up. If this is a first install follow the instructions. If this is not your first install you need to locate the media server tab at the top of the kode „control“ panel. and delete whatever media player is there and when you have, you then get Kode to search for another media player. It should find the m2p player, your accesspoint and thats it.
Thing is, I just can’t seem to boot up my m2p, then Kodi and it all works without all this messing around.
Yes its very clunkey BUT IT WORKS!!!!, well it does for me.I hope if anyone else is having issues they can use this and it may help them too.
However, please post any other way of doing it, or ideas which might help me as I’m sure its not supposed to be a clunkey as this.
I have NOT tested it fully, I’ve just been playing about with it in the local supermarket car park. So there may be bugs that have not yet come to the surface,please note…16. Juni 2018 at 10:23 #36208Hi, again
Ive just been out and bought another 8gb SD card and tried that.
The install went well but I still can’t connect to it when in accesspoint mode with my ipad, iphone and moto g5.
Is ANYONE currently having the same problems, even if you’re not it would be good to know the image is working (and I can’t believe its not).
Any help or input from anyone (as I don’t know what to do next) would be very much appreciated.
Thanks A15. Juni 2018 at 19:33 #36207Hi Heiner,
I managed to get back home before your reply and I thought I would try to burn another image (m2p_rpi_default_241_wps_autoexpand) which I downloaded in January/Feb.I burned the image and started it.
I did’nt expand the file system, nor did I update M2P nor anything else at this stage.I went to the settings/reboot and looked for the accesspoint on the listings. It was’nt in the list this time but has been on all the other occasions while trying to get this working.
So I loaded and installed AP module.
After the AP was installed it came back with quite a long script, maybe 2-3 times longer than I have been having on previous AP installations.
So I booted it upand it worked as it should….However, after testing it several times and all was ok, I thought I would now put it in the car.
Thats where I noticed it was’nt working again, it just would not connect with my phone like before so I took it back inside and tried again.
Sure enough it started to work again although I disconnected the ethernet cable from the M2P and my M2P was connected to my phone via the accesspoint anyhow.
Would you have any idea whats going on because I can’t see the link between my home network, my phone and M2P thats making this happen.But there is one, How very very odd.It seems that its somehow going through my home wifi, could this be in part the issue with the ip address it can’t find as its hooked into my network in some weird way ?
hope this is clear.15. Juni 2018 at 9:30 #36203Hi Heiner
I have just had a thought.
Since trying to set up my standalone system using accesspoint and Kodi, all I have done after burning a new image is to load and set up the accesspoint module then go to the Kodi module and set that up to find the music on my hard drive which is connected to my pi.Thats all…
What I have not done is to mount the hardrive through M2P because Kodi sees the hard drive where my music files are without doing that, so I just thought there was no need to install it. But maybe I have to as it also might also install Samba ?
And if samba is not in stalled I guess I would not see M2P on my network as a drive, which I can’t, and maybe thats why I might not be able to access this using the accesspoint too.And I’m not near my pi so I can’t try it, so I was hoping you might read this before I get home tonight and let me know if indeed this could be the problem, I just hope it is this that I have overlooked ?
A14. Juni 2018 at 8:29 #36195Update.
I have obtained another pi3 and a 8Gb sd card so I reburned the image,fired it up and this time updated the pi.Sadly, Accesspoint has excactly the same problem as my last post.
I also tried altering the wifi driver and that has’nt helped, which was just like before. And I tried to connect this to an Iphone, two ipads and two MOTO smartphones,all were the same, they could’nt connect. So very frustrating.
13. Juni 2018 at 20:58 #36192Hi Heiner,
Sorry I did realise that I should not have my network cable connected I ment to say I tried both options connected and disconnected, yes I understand that, but thanks for pointing that out.With iphone and ipads, its not giving me this option this time, but it used to several updates ago. Thing is it might not be doing this because of the fault I’m experiancing. And I dont use my iphone and ipads now, I am using an MOTO G5 which is not giving me that option either. So the problem is common to both.
However What happenes now, to clarify a bit more is when I look for the accesspoint on my Control/wifi screen, I can see it and it is shown as secure, which is great.
I tap it to connect then it says
1. Authenticating
2. then goes to obtaining i/p address and stays there for a while 2-3 mins
3. when it decides it can’t connect, it changes status from obtaining the i/p address to savedBut I did go to my control/developer settings in my android and toggled on Enable wifi verbose logging. Now when I try and hook up to the accesspoint with my android I can see it bit more info and its saying while searching for the ip address „Network selection disabled DHCP failure“. Does this help point to a cure I wonder ?
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12. Juni 2018 at 14:41 #36169Hi Heiner
It was your topic on this which I’m trying to emulate.
(How I read this is the M2P player is working without a router, a true standalone system you can take anywhere)But I’m having a couple of problems
1. getting accesspoint to load up onto M2P
2. When I have it says its obtaining an ip address and then fails, just drops out, then trys again.I have tried various SD cards, PSU’s, new images, and Pi’s and none seem to work properly. Even if I connect to my network via a cable, I can’t see the player in my file manager otherwise the other option would be to use a router in my car with the player, however I can access M2P using the ip address web page.
The other thing I should mention is squeezbox server is on the images I have made but I never have loaded and run it because it says Kodi turns Kodi off. So I thought it doesnt need to be loaded.
My home M2P works like a dream and I’m running 4 remote players with this.
Hope this makes sense .A
EDIT: I tried again this morning and now have managed to load my music via the web page using a cable connected to my router. But I still can’t see the media player on my network using windows explorer or standalone on my control/wifi panel on my android phone. I have also changed the driver for the accesspoint. I have also done a ping and that showing connected-
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11. Juni 2018 at 20:09 #36160Hi Heiner,
I have just exchanged PSU and made a new image.
What happens now is as soon as M2P boots up on the GUI page, I get„Device is started in Automatic Accesspoint Mode. For security, only WiFi configuration is possible to connect Max2Play to your local network“.
I have just shut it down and fired it up again with another new image and now I can see it on my phones wifi page.
Please note it did ask me to update the image, this time I didnt..And it loaded the Accesspoint
However, it keeps trying to get the ip address and can’t so it goes back to the saved state, where then keeps trying, then back to the saved state etc etc.
The debug on the AP is this below, which, I’m no expert, but looks ok !…#### DNSMASQ Installed ####
Status: install ok installed#### HOSTAPD Installed ####
Status: install ok installed#### WiFi Interface Installed ####
2#### DNSMASQ Running ####
#### HOSTAPD Running ####
5 S 0 455 1 0 80 0 – 1543 – ? 00:00:00 hostapdplease note the above is using the same pi.
So far I have used different PI’s
Different power supplies
Different SD cards
Both driver options on the AP page.
I have updated M2P when I have burned the image and also not updated, and burned the imaged and updated, seems the not updated option works the best. It actually loads up the accesspoint.
So I’m now well and truely stuck. Hope someone can help…5. Februar 2018 at 18:30 #33868Hi Heiner,
Thanks for your advice and I’m sure I’d be a fool not to take it.
When you say touch screen, you mean ( even if you don’t, would this work?)
A touchscreen added to the pi?
Strangely enough I have found out it’s FAR more reliable doing this with an old iPhone 4 I have running LMS, indeed, it works more times than not, so as I don’t use this phone, I might keep it in the car just for this well, if the touchscreen works, I might go down that route.
Again many thanks for your valued advice
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4. Februar 2018 at 0:41 #33836Hi Heiner
Sorry been out of circulation for a while.
I’ve looked at the options and decided to go down the OpenMediaVault way as it looks like its a very useful tool with a forum.
So I have indeed started building this but hit a probelm which I have put on this forum with a hope someone else has used OMV and can advise.
All the same thank you so much for your contribution, its very much appreciated.31. Januar 2018 at 12:43 #33771Hi Heiner
Thanks for the reply.
Not had chance to look yet, but the burner you mentioned, is this the back up image burner that’s been available for a while , if so yes I’m aware of that, but thanks for pointing that out.My combined music, photo, video, music etc collection is now 1.5TB
so any problems with the HD would certainly cause me massive problems. And it’s that which I need to back up, preferably incrementally at set periods.As I can’t can see any other way of protecting that info
I thank you for your advice about samba, albeit I’ve had no experience in this area.So your advice is very much appreciated.
If you have any other advice that may help I really would appreciate it.9. Juni 2017 at 17:34 #29482Hi Heiner
No problem regarding a late responce, you guys do a great job.
Did as you asked and indeed it does keep the wireless connection when my iphone goes to sleep mode, Yes, great stuff thanks…
However, when I power down the pi or the phone, or get out of wireless range, it won’t connect again until I go through the „use without internet stuff“Also I do have another question, is there any other package you reccomend when using M2P because although LMS will work on my iphone it will not work with my android, neither will it work on others who use andriod. Squeezer, works with a router, or via a router on andriod but not in accesspoint mode.
23. Februar 2017 at 16:34 #27177Hi Mohammad
Maybe you can help with another aspect I have got to deal with please.Currently I have Video’s, music and photos on my home M2P.
I can access all three via my smart tvWhat I would like to know is if it’s possible to access this stuff thats on my M2P so I can see it on a none smart tv using a reflashed Now TV or Ruko stick or chrome or any other way.
I feel sure It can be done easily but at the moment I’m not sure how (VLC maybe)Anyone done this already, anyone have any (simple) ideas ????
3. Juni 2016 at 10:41 #20469Hi Heiner
I have burned another image and still I can’t see my files using windows explorer or windows files manager.Could it be anything to do with this ??
Under filesysystem, samba shares I have
Name: max2play-usb
Comment: blank
Writeable: yes
Create mode: 0777I have also noticed Sambashare Accsess (do I need to set this up, if so how)
The password is pre typed in the box as : root
So I picked a password and entered it and saved it
The followed the instructions but in the instructions it says right click and connect to network drive.
I only see, Map to network drive or disconnect network drive
However if I continue and choose Map to network drive I get a box with a drive letter, this case it’s Z and under it there’s a place I can either write the path of my drive, which I put in //MAX2PLAY/max2play-usb
This says its not recognised.
Also should I fix the LAN address, I have done both and it makes no differance ?
And after all this the system works, I just can’t see my HD using windows, I really hope you can suggest a few more ideas, Thanks again Alex12. Mai 2016 at 20:05 #20106Hi Heiner
Thanks for the reply
I did what you asked and, still nothing
In my router however I get this. M2P is not listed as being there although its connected by a cable ?
Firewall issues maybe ?2.4 GHz Wireless: SqueezeboxTouch 00:04:20:22:c2:ca
5 GHz Wireless: iPhone
Ethernet: Alex-PC
USB: No devices detectedHowever if I just type max2play in my explorer browser I get another window opening called
„choose media streaming opyions for computers and devices“On this page I can see max2play but it’s only a square icon along with other things I think I can recognise
I have a BT home hub router do you think maybe this is the problem.
Alex12. Mai 2016 at 0:22 #20093Hi Heiner
Yes I can see it in samba when I open the page, just as you asked me to do it
As I mentioned before Heiner, under my network path in MY computer under network media devices, I can see „logitech server (max2play)“ and „max2play“. I also can see my „Squeezebox touch“ and my PC that I am working on now.If I enter \\max2play using firefox I get nothing
9. Mai 2016 at 11:33 #20075Hi Heiner
I have been trying to get my head around this and unfortunately I still can’t see it whatever I do
I did as you said which was to go to Samabshare and fill in the boxes as you put in your reply
I also tried other alternative paths thinking I could find another way and sadly it’s still not working
What I can see is the LMS under the media devices when I look under network
But I don’t see M2P listed, which is odd because I can get to its homepage.
I feel this is something simple, but I just can’t see it, really frustrating
Is there anything else you might be able to suggest Heiner.
Thanks alex5. Mai 2016 at 8:22 #20054Hi Heiner
This is really very kind of you. I really appreciate it.
Because of work commitments I’m not going to be able to try this until tomorrow, but I will and I’ll let you know what happens.
But all this is great and I can’t wait to try it, it will make life so much easierThanks again
Alex4. Mai 2016 at 15:39 #20046Hi Heiner
Thanks for your reply.
Thats what I though but I tried that and it did’nt work. I also watched the youtube clip and still not sucsess.
If this is suppose to work,its me thats a fault.And that is’nt suprising because I really don’t know how fill the boxes, or should I say what path to see the HD attached to Pi.
I really would appreciate some help if possible Heiner. Do I also have to use a User name for Samba access and password, should’nt my router deal with this.
Do I need this bit ?Thanks in advance
Alex17. Februar 2016 at 9:59 #18531Hi Simon
Well thats a good start and sorry I did’nt make it clear in my instructions about the script, glad you sorted it.
The wifi and access point, good question.As I mentioned a above when I first tried it, my iphone was hooked into my home network so although I was trying it would’nt hook into it until I realised what was happening.
So after going into my settings and told my iphone to foregt my home network (because I think the iphone will try to hook up to its last known wireless network) it did connect to the M2P which was in my car on the drive. Problem there it was in earshot of my home network so it just kept hooked into it.
So because I did’nt want the trouble of doing all this, I now have a spare iphone I have and just leave that in the car (hidden) and I either wait for the Pi to boot up after its been powered up, then pick up my iphone and go from there. As I said if I leave my phone long enough it will boot up with LMS already active, I just have to press play (note no logging on issuse at all). The LMS boots up and „sits“ waiting for you just to hit play, and it does.
However, I do have a problem with this. If I have an album playing, for some strange reason, when I leave my car and turn off the supply to the pi, when I return, yes it does, if I leave it long enough to boot up and „settle“ load the LMS, but if you press play its starts at track 1 every time, which is a bit frustrating, it does not continue from where you have stopped it, but I can deal with that for what I have in return if you get my drift.
In addition, it’s not really a good thing to just kill the power on any PC, you can mess up files etc and find strange things happening. So I got myself a ups specially for the pi that shuts it down properly when power it switched off to it. But I have not needed it and I used this every day for nearly two months and its been rock steady, so I’m not going to put this in yet, well I will if I get issues, just tought you ought to know about this if you don’t already.
Hope this helped, even just a bit..But I can see big things for me and M2P, a cracking but of kit, good luck
A -
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