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Tagged: Accesspoint, WiFi improvement
- This topic has 305 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by
Heiner premium.
Posted in: Max2Play Add-ons
12. Januar 2016 at 1:02 #17796
Hi noop,
guess it’s 18:00 where you are as its 23:00 here so with an early start tomorrow I think I will hit the sack now
I’m just so frustrated that it’s not working, but is, well if you look at the reports it is
But if you do think of any suggestions, I’m 100% up for trying
It’s a pity you’re not around the corner as I’d take you out for a beer, I fact a few beers.
12. Januar 2016 at 11:37 #17797Hi Noop
Just so you know I ordered two Pi wifi dongles the other day and hopefully they will be here soon. And strangely enough I just came accross this, look down the page and see what this guy says about the Pi dongle, maybe there’s something in it
12. Januar 2016 at 16:33 #17802Thanks for the link, it appears that many people struggle with getting access-point working.
Looks like we have the correct hostapd program for your edimax dongle, we confirmed yesterday that the access-point plug-in detected it.
OK Two things:
– Yesterday you mentioned a glitch while installing the accesspoint plug-in
ALEX: "This is a bit worrying, it started to d/l then the page just cleared, so I hit the back button..."
I’m not sure if that would have messed things up or not. perhaps a retry?
– At this point since hostapd is running but not working, we really need to look at the debug output from that program.
You say that you cannot cut and paste? What are the issues there?
The output that would be of interest is that generated by (after access-point installation and reboot):sudo /etc/init.d/hostapd stop sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf -d | less
The first line stops hostapd daemon and the second line runs it interactively with debug output.
Even more debug output can be obtained by running with the option „-dd“ rather than „-d“.12. Januar 2016 at 19:05 #17805Hi again noop,
Thanks for this
I’ve run the commands twice
Each time they come up with the same thing
Ioctl[RTL_IOCTL_HOSTAPD]: Invalid argumentAnd the cut and paste issue
I am writing the commands by looking at the Pi command prompt via a monitor on the Pi HDMI
The monitor is also attached to my pic and I can switch between them, depending what I’m doing but to confuse things even more, I’m writing this on my iPad all because I have to keep moving the dongle for the wireless keyboard between the Pi and Pc.
The bottom line is I know how to do cut and paste, but not in this situation going from a Linux command prompt to a web page, hope this makes sense.Incidentally , my two „Pi“ dongles have arrived
12. Januar 2016 at 19:19 #17807re copy and paste:
On your PC search and download a program called putty.exe. It’s a nice simple standalone executable.
run it and select the „ssh“ connection type. Type in the IP address of the PI, and hit open. Accept the key and log in.
You should be able to copy and paste from the putty window, by selecting the text from the putty window (to copy), and then hitting Ctrl-V
(to paste) in another window.Are you saying that:
Ioctl[RTL_IOCTL_HOSTAPD]: Invalid argument
is the only response from that command?12. Januar 2016 at 20:23 #17810hi noop
neat programme :-0
random: Trying to read entropy from /dev/random
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
BSS count 1, BSSID mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 (0 bits)
Completing interface initialization
Mode: IEEE 802.11g Channel: 6 Frequency: 2437 MHz
RATE[0] rate=10 flags=0x1
RATE[1] rate=20 flags=0x1
RATE[2] rate=55 flags=0x1
RATE[3] rate=110 flags=0x1
RATE[4] rate=60 flags=0x0
RATE[5] rate=90 flags=0x0
RATE[6] rate=120 flags=0x0
RATE[7] rate=180 flags=0x0
RATE[8] rate=240 flags=0x0
RATE[9] rate=360 flags=0x0
RATE[10] rate=480 flags=0x0
RATE[11] rate=540 flags=0x0
Flushing old station entries
Deauthenticate all stations
+rtl871x_sta_deauth_ops, ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff is deauth, reason=2
Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr 80:1f:02:65:54:e4 and ssid ‚max2play‘
Deriving WPA PSK based on passphrase
SSID – hexdump_ascii(len=8):
6d 61 78 32 70 6c 61 79 max2play
PSK (ASCII passphrase) – hexdump_ascii(len=10): [REMOVED]
PSK (from passphrase) – hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
random: Got 19/20 bytes from /dev/random
random: Only 19/20 bytes of strong random data available from /dev/random
random: Not enough entropy pool available for secure operations
WPA: Not enough entropy in random pool for secure operations – update keys later when the first station connects
GMK – hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
Key Counter – hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
WPA: group state machine entering state GTK_INIT (VLAN-ID 0)
GTK – hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
WPA: group state machine entering state SETKEYSDONE (VLAN-ID 0)
ioctl[RTL_IOCTL_HOSTAPD]: Invalid argument
wlan0: Setup of interface done.
random: Got 1/1 bytes from /dev/random
IEEE 802.1X: 14 bytes from 00:50:7f:a9:e9:a8
IEEE 802.1X data frame from not associated/Pre-authenticating STA
IEEE 802.1X: 99 bytes from 00:50:7f:a9:e9:a8
IEEE 802.1X data frame from not associated/Pre-authenticating STA
IEEE 802.1X: 155 bytes from 00:50:7f:a9:e9:a8
IEEE 802.1X data frame from not associated/Pre-authenticating STA
random: Trying to read entropy from /dev/random
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
BSS count 1, BSSID mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 (0 bits)
Completing interface initialization
Mode: IEEE 802.11g Channel: 6 Frequency: 2437 MHz
RATE[0] rate=10 flags=0x1
RATE[1] rate=20 flags=0x1
RATE[2] rate=55 flags=0x1
RATE[3] rate=110 flags=0x1
RATE[4] rate=60 flags=0x0
RATE[5] rate=90 flags=0x0
RATE[6] rate=120 flags=0x0
RATE[7] rate=180 flags=0x0
RATE[8] rate=240 flags=0x0
RATE[9] rate=360 flags=0x0
RATE[10] rate=480 flags=0x0
RATE[11] rate=540 flags=0x0
Flushing old station entries
Deauthenticate all stations
+rtl871x_sta_deauth_ops, ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff is deauth, reason=2
Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr 80:1f:02:65:54:e4 and ssid ‚max2play‘
Deriving WPA PSK based on passphrase
SSID – hexdump_ascii(len=8):
6d 61 78 32 70 6c 61 79 max2play
PSK (ASCII passphrase) – hexdump_ascii(len=10): [REMOVED]
PSK (from passphrase) – hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
random: Got 19/20 bytes from /dev/random
random: Only 19/20 bytes of strong random data available from /dev/random
random: Not enough entropy pool available for secure operations
WPA: Not enough entropy in random pool for secure operations – update keys later when the first station connects
GMK – hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
Key Counter – hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
WPA: group state machine entering state GTK_INIT (VLAN-ID 0)
GTK – hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
WPA: group state machine entering state SETKEYSDONE (VLAN-ID 0)
ioctl[RTL_IOCTL_HOSTAPD]: Invalid argument
wlan0: Setup of interface done.
random: Got 1/1 bytes from /dev/random
IEEE 802.1X: 14 bytes from 00:50:7f:a9:e9:a8
IEEE 802.1X data frame from not associated/Pre-authenticating STA
IEEE 802.1X: 99 bytes from 00:50:7f:a9:e9:a8
IEEE 802.1X data frame from not associated/Pre-authenticating STA
IEEE 802.1X: 155 bytes from 00:50:7f:a9:e9:a8
IEEE 802.1X data frame from not associated/Pre-authenticating STA12. Januar 2016 at 21:24 #17819Alex/Noop, just an FYI that I continue to watch your progress.
Its amazing that after so much fiddling about/effort/advice you STILL have issues/didn’t get it working.
I plan on ordering the same CANKIT Wifi Adapter Noop has, as the Generic one supplied to me by my PI Vendor stinks/appears not to Support Access point.
Here’s hoping you figure it out soon Alex.
Good Luck, Fred in Canada
12. Januar 2016 at 21:31 #17820Hi Fred
good to hear from you
Noop is the hero in this one by far, amazing effort he’s put in to a complete stranger.But you started it, so thanks for your bit too. Tell you what Fred, if your dongle does work regardless if we get this going in the meantime, would be so kind to let me, and noop I guess know.
13. Januar 2016 at 5:04 #17824Hi Alex:
Sorry I got busy.
Last evening I downloaded and compiled a „hostapd“ version using software from Realtek the makers of the RTL8188CUS chip in the Edimax.
This is a another attempt at getting a hostapd that works.To try it follow the recipe
1. Burn a new image. 2. Expand it. 3. Update M2P. 4. Increase the USB current via the raspberry plug in (not really necessary yet) 5. Plug in the wifi dongle. 6. install wifi. 7. install access-point. 8. remove power and then apply power. 9. login to the PI and execute these commands: cd /usr/sbin sudo rm -f hostapd sudo wget sudo chown root:root hostapd sudo chmod 755 hostapd sudo service networking restart sudo service hostapd restart
1. on your IOS device, set-up -> wifi should show an available network with SSID “max2play” (or whatever you set it to) 2. Try to connect to this network, if you get an error, “forget” the network, and re-try (you will prompted for password in this case). 3. If connected, on the IOS device use safari or chrome and browse the PI at: , you should see the max2play page.
If you see the web page then access point is successfully installed.
13. Januar 2016 at 10:16 #17825Hi Noop
I can’t thank you enough for your efforts and certainly no need to say sorry.
Ok, I will do this as soon as I can, but tonight it’s my mum’s birthday and its a big one so there’s a bit of a party on so I could be late back. But I will do my best as I’m really keen to get this going. And like Fred, I placed an order for an RT3570 last night…But not sure when it will be here, and if it does’nt work, I’ll use it for a player only, or something else, so no problem or loss.
Ok I’ll be back on the case as soon as I can
A14. Januar 2016 at 21:53 #17855Hi Noop
Sorry I did’nt get back to you yesterday, the celebrations lasted longer than i anticipated.
Ok tonight started off bad and could be getting worse , hahahah
I just could’nt format my sd card…God knows why. It’s taken me nearly an hour of trying different sd cards all the same, ran the virus software, no problems.
I got it to format the card by running the format tool at the same time as the installation. And so far I have got this far and things seem ok.
I have done all you have said and before I went to the Pi to input the code you gave me I fired up my lan scanner and it sees the max2play url ( and the edimax dongle ( However, not sure if this is important, as well as it saying edimax, it also say max2play in the same description box.
And remember this is hooked into my lan at this point.Ok I ran the first line, no problem. Did the second one and got this
pi@max2play ~ $ cd /usr/sbin
pi@max2play /usr/sbin $ sudo rm -f hostapd
sudo: unable to resolve host max2play14. Januar 2016 at 22:19 #17857Hi noop
This is what I got after AP installation, dbug is below
WiFi detected
Get:1 wheezy Release.gpg [490 B]
Hit wheezy Release.gpg
Get:2 wheezy Release.gpg [473 B]
Get:3 wheezy Release [14.4 kB]
Hit wheezy Release
Get:4 wheezy Release [17.6 kB]
Get:5 wheezy Release.gpg [198 B]
Hit wheezy/rpi armhf Packages
Get:6 wheezy/main armhf Packages [6909 kB]
Get:7 wheezy Release [4445 B]
Get:8 wheezy/main armhf Packages [136 kB]
Get:9 wheezy/contrib armhf Packages [15.1 kB]
Ign wheezy/rpi Translation-en
Ign wheezy/contrib Translation-en
Ign wheezy/main Translation-en
Get:10 wheezy/contrib armhf Packages [23.6 kB]
Get:11 wheezy/non-free armhf Packages [49.3 kB]
Get:12 wheezy/rpi armhf Packages [592 B]
Ign wheezy/contrib Translation-en
Ign wheezy/main Translation-en
Ign wheezy/non-free Translation-en
Ign wheezy/rpi Translation-en
Fetched 7171 kB in 32s (221 kB/s)
Reading package lists…
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
The following extra packages will be installed:
dnsmasq-base libnetfilter-conntrack3
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
dnsmasq dnsmasq-base hostapd libnetfilter-conntrack3
0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 96 not upgraded.
Need to get 823 kB of archives.
After this operation, 1653 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Get:1 wheezy/main libnetfilter-conntrack3 armhf 1.0.1-1 [32.2 kB]
Get:2 wheezy/main dnsmasq-base armhf 2.62-3+deb7u3 [356 kB]
Get:3 wheezy/main dnsmasq all 2.62-3+deb7u3 [16.3 kB]
Get:4 wheezy/main hostapd armhf 1:1.0-3+deb7u3 [419 kB]
Fetched 823 kB in 3s (217 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package libnetfilter-conntrack3:armhf.
(Reading database … 80678 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking libnetfilter-conntrack3:armhf (from …/libnetfilter-conntrack3_1.0.1-1_armhf.deb) …
Selecting previously unselected package dnsmasq-base.
Unpacking dnsmasq-base (from …/dnsmasq-base_2.62-3+deb7u3_armhf.deb) …
Selecting previously unselected package dnsmasq.
Unpacking dnsmasq (from …/dnsmasq_2.62-3+deb7u3_all.deb) …
Selecting previously unselected package hostapd.
Unpacking hostapd (from …/hostapd_1%3a1.0-3+deb7u3_armhf.deb) …
Processing triggers for man-db …
Setting up libnetfilter-conntrack3:armhf (1.0.1-1) …
Setting up dnsmasq-base (2.62-3+deb7u3) …
Setting up dnsmasq (2.62-3+deb7u3) …
Starting DNS forwarder and DHCP server: dnsmasq.
Setting up hostapd (1:1.0-3+deb7u3) …
Change hostapd-Binary to Edimax RTL8188CUS Chipset
update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
Stopping advanced IEEE 802.11 management: hostapd.
Starting advanced IEEE 802.11 management: hostapd.
Additional Configure Parameters to WiFi
Restarting DNS forwarder and DHCP server: dnsmasq.And this was in debug
#### DNSMASQ Installed ####
Status: install ok installed#### HOSTAPD Installed ####
Status: install ok installed#### WiFi Interface Installed ####
2#### DNSMASQ Running ####
5 S 109 7104 1 0 80 0 – 1612 poll_s ? 00:00:00 dnsmasq#### HOSTAPD Running ####
1 S 0 7087 1 0 80 0 – 502 poll_s ? 00:00:00 hostapd14. Januar 2016 at 22:36 #17859Hi noop
Ran the program and got to this line below, ran it and got what you see and it hung.
Furthermore, I can’t see, THIS is the max2play address, I could see it before…
Please note I have deleted my ip address of my router and out in brackets ( MY ROUTERS ADDRESS)
pi@max2play /usr/sbin $ sudo service networking restart
[….] Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not re-enable [warn interfaces … (warning).
[….] Reconfiguring network interfaces…Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.2
Copyright 2004-2011 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit on LPF/eth0/b8:27:eb:a8:50:d2
Sending on LPF/eth0/b8:27:eb:a8:50:d2
Sending on Socket/fallback
Reloading /etc/samba/smb.conf: smbd only. -
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