Max2Play for ODROID XU3 and ODROID XU4
We now have an ready SD-Card or EMMC-Card image with Max2Play for the new ODROID XU4. Based on Ubuntu 15.04 this image makes it easy to create your own Multiroom-Audio setup or make use of the other Max2Play-Addons. Like on the Raspberry PI you can easily set up a Squeezebox Server and Player and also have Airplay with Shairtunes. Have […] -
What is SqueezePlug & Max2Play?
SqueezePlug & Max2Play is a Multiroom Audio Solution with server and player components. Multiroom Audio Solution means, that you have one server and as much players as you like. Every player uses the shared music from the server. Players can be synced to play the same music, or they can play different music. A Mini-Computer can be a server, a […] -
Can I use the Raspberry Pi with Max2Play as an audio player?
Yes, but the Pi has inferior audio quality from the audio jack. Thus, it is recommended to use an external sound card to improve the audio output. Which is why Max2Play offers different sound card setups that bring optimal audio quality from HiFiberry to Allo and many more. You can check them all out in our shop, where you can choose […]
43 results for multiroom
Max2Play > Suchresultate für 'multiroom'