[UPDATE BUG FIX] Bluetooth Addon BETA

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons [UPDATE BUG FIX] Bluetooth Addon BETA

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  • 9. August 2019 at 19:05 #46737

    Hello. Bluetooth did´nt work. After installation and conection this message will shown:

    User pi is Set
    Device 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 Galaxy S9
    trust 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6
    Device 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 Trusted: yes
    Changing 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 trust succeeded
    pair 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6
    Attempting to pair with 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6
    Device 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 Connected: yes
    connect 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6
    Attempting to connect to 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6
    Device 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 Modalias: bluetooth:v0075p0100d0201
    Device 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 UUIDs:
    Device 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 Paired: yes
    Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
    Device 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 UUIDs:
    Device 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 Galaxy S9
    Device 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6 Connected: no
    connect 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6
    Attempting to connect to 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6
    Name: Galaxy S9
    Address: 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6
    Icon: phone
    Class: 0x5a020c
    Paired: 1
    Connected: 1

    Config: Raspi 3 Hifiberry DAC+ Raspi7″Touch

    12. August 2019 at 10:51 #46750

    Hi Dragon,

    Your debug info looks good.

    Name: Galaxy S9
    Address: 00:B5:D0:68:9F:B6
    Icon: phone
    Class: 0x5a020c
    Paired: 1
    Connected: 1

    That means your phone was successfully connected and paired. If you have a zero instead of one in either, it’s not. You can now use the „player“ below to select your output device and play music from your phone directly to it.

    8. Januar 2020 at 0:05 #47889


    Has anyone solved the problem of cracking sounds during the playback?

    EDIT: I probably solved this problem myself. I turned off built-in Bluetooth module, and connected the Bluetooth USB adapter. So far this solution works well 🙂

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by winne.
    16. Januar 2020 at 13:57 #47934

    Hi Heiner,
    i’m also experiencing bluetooth problems and i have the new version:
    max2play Version 2.51
    Raspberry PI 4B

    When i first installed the bluetooth module, it took reeeeally long time to find devices but finally after 6/7 scans(each 5mins~ long) it founded all the devices that I needed and I was able to pair.
    After that, i changed other setting i.e. i finally manage to install properly Airplay plugin in LMS and installed multisqeeze (but i don’t use it yet.)

    Some days ago, i went to the bluetooth page again and my devices were not there.
    I scanned again and it found just one device. If i try to connect to this device, it connect but not pair.
    Then i remove that one and scan it again. And nothing is found.
    I tried many times, i tried to uninstall, reboot and install again.
    I also try to shut down the pi completely!
    But no luck.
    Is already some days now that it cannot find any devices at all. The weird thing is that i have no error.
    It scan and just don’t find aything, and it doesn’t send me any information at all.

    My debug:

    #### Bluetooth Installation ####
    #### Bluetooth Dongle ####
    hci0:	Type: Primary  Bus: UART
    	BD Address: DC:A6:32:2B:2A:F0  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 64:1
    	RX bytes:3120 acl:0 sco:0 events:194 errors:0
    	TX bytes:5829 acl:0 sco:0 commands:192 errors:0
    #### BLUEALSA RUNNING ####

    I wonder if it has something to do with airplay.. ??

    p.s. the devices(two JBL speakers) are always very close to the pi, are in discovery mood and not pair with anything else. I can easily pair them with other device, so bluetooth is working on the speakers.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by designbygio_.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by designbygio_.
    8. Februar 2020 at 20:00 #47999

    Bluetooth works, after a fashion. Not well enough for everyday use, though. I’ll document the difficulties I ran into, in the hopes that’s useful for improving the integration.

    This is on a Pi 4B 2GB with built-in Bluetooth, Max2Play 2.51.

    SqueezeLite completely „loses the plot“ when it auto-disconnects from the Bluetooth output device. Won’t play music any more / disappears as a selectable player. That’s the default „-C 5“ setting. Removing that setting resolved those issues.

    SqueezeLite can’t start when there are no speakers connected – the Bluetooth ALSA device alone isn’t sufficient.

    Bluetooth will not automatically connect to a known speaker when it’s in range, this has to be done manually.

    Taken together, this means that Bluetooth support isn’t, in its current form, terribly useful.

    Whenever the RaspPi or the speakers restart, the Bluetooth device will lose connection to the speakers and won’t automatically re-enable. SqueezeLite will probably go into a funk as well. That means go into Max2play web interface, manually „Connect“ the speakers, bounce SqueezeLite, then play music.

    To be seamless, what I’d expect is:
    – After pairing speakers once, Bluetooth / Max2Play will connect to them whenever they become available – similar to how phones behave
    – SqueezeLite can survive the speakers being gone, and can start or keep running when Bluetooth is available but the speakers are not
    – Bluetooth / Squeezelite survive Squeezelite auto-disconnecting from the output device? Optional – alternatively just make sure that the default command line when bluetooth is in use is blank, not „-C 5“.

    That way, I could play music whenever I want, just by turning the speakers on.

    Happily, I have other ways of connecting to these speakers: I’ll use HDMI for the AVC, and a HifiBerry Digi+ HAT and optical cable for other Bluetooth-enabled speakers in the house.

    Debug output for good measure

    #### Bluetooth Installation ####

    #### Bluetooth Dongle ####
    hci0: Type: Primary Bus: UART
    BD Address: DC:A6:32:0D:A1:9F ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
    RX bytes:96030 acl:63 sco:0 events:11581 errors:0
    TX bytes:16935323 acl:22814 sco:0 commands:161 errors:0

    #### DEVICE Marantz SR5012 ####
    Name: Marantz SR5012
    Alias: Marantz SR5012 [rw]
    Address: 00:05:CD:E5:9C:19
    Icon: audio-card
    Class: 0x240414
    Paired: 1
    Trusted: 1 [rw]
    Blocked: 0 [rw]
    Connected: 1
    UUIDs: [AudioSink, AVRemoteControlTarget, AVRemoteControl, PnPInformation, 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb]

    #### BLUEALSA RUNNING ####

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by yorickdowne.
    16. April 2020 at 13:00 #48515

    Hi yorickdowne,

    thanks for your detailled review! We have done some improvements to the bluetooth integration in the current BETA. Will be available in release 2.52.

    We addressed bluetooth speaker support:
    – improved (more robust) connection when first time connecting bluetooth speakers (pairing and connect where not working for some speakers)
    – changed connection status detection to bluetoothctl (sometimes bt-device ran into error on multiple connect/disconnects)
    – added „-B“ option in Squeezlite to work with bluealsa: Squeezelite now checks the status of the bluetooth connection and sets „power off“ on disconnect and „power on“ on connect. With this you can seamless start playing by just powering up your bluetooth speakers. Make sure to remove „-C“ option in Squeezelite Options as this is not compatible.

    Hope you like it 🙂

    All the Best

    1. Mai 2020 at 7:31 #48676

    Hallo M2P Team,

    ich befürchte das Bluetooth über den Squeezeboxserver mit LMS 8 nicht mehr funktioniert. Die Wiedergabe von Squeezelite verstummt zwar, der BT Stream wird aber nicht abgespielt. (…das BT Symbol wechselt nicht auf grün …).
    Hab das ganze 3x versucht,immer mit gleichem Ergebnis. Zurück auf 7.9.3 und alles wieder OK

    Könnt ihr meine Beobachtung bestätigen?

    VG Michael

    1. Mai 2020 at 7:33 #48677

    … ich nutze 2.52 auf einem Raspberry 3B …

    4. Mai 2020 at 15:04 #48691

    Stefan, thank you, that’s exactly what I was looking for functionality-wise! I haven’t tested it yet, and, that -B switch is magic!

    5. Mai 2020 at 14:58 #48699

    Hallo Michael,

    deine Beobachtungen konnten wir teilen. Vermutlich hängt das damit zusammen, das WaveInput nicht mit dem LMS 8.0 kompatibel ist. Wir werden uns darum kümmern.

    12. Mai 2020 at 15:15 #48763

    Hallo allerseits,

    Wir haben immer noch mit Bluetooth Problemen unter Buster zu kämpfen, u.a. funktioniert die Verknüpfung zum Squeezebox Server noch nicht. Allerdings haben wir mittlerweile den Wave Input für den LMS v8.0 in unserer Beta gefixt.

    Hallo everyone,

    We are still struggling with Bluetooth problems under Buster, including the link to the Squeezebox Server, which does not work yet. However, we have now fixed wave input for the LMS v8.0 in our beta.

    27. Mai 2020 at 17:14 #48872

    Update for Bluetooth with LMS:

    Streaming to Squeezebox Server v8.0 via Bluetooth should work now after updating to the latest beta, reinstalling Bluetooth and installing the Wave Input Fix on the Squeezebox Server tab in the Max2Play webinterface.

    10. Juni 2020 at 18:01 #48984


    I can not connect my iPhone 8 via BT.

    If you connected Bluetooth Speakers, make sure to set the soundcard of your audioplayers to bluetooth as audio output! You need to restart your Audioplayer if the Bluetooth Device changed.
    If you connected a Smartphone to stream to Squeezebox Server, NO further setting to your soundcard is needed (do NOT set your soundcard to bluealsa)!
    Device 44:18:FD:8B:0D:B9 iPhone 8 von Dieter
    agent off
    No agent is registered
    agent NoInputNoOutput
    Device 44:18:FD:8B:0D:B9 iPhone 8 von Dieter
    Agent registered
    trust 44:18:FD:8B:0D:B9
    Changing 44:18:FD:8B:0D:B9 trust succeeded
    pair 44:18:FD:8B:0D:B9
    Attempting to pair with 44:18:FD:8B:0D:B9
    Device 44:18:FD:8B:0D:B9 Connected: yes
    Request PIN code
    Device 44:18:FD:8B:0D:B9 Connected: no
    Request canceled
    Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled
    Name: iPhone 8 von Dieter
    Address: 44:18:FD:8B:0D:B9
    Icon: phone
    Class: 0x7a020c
    Paired: 0
    Connected: 0

    Please, what can I do? I run on a Raspi 1 B+ with a USB BT Dongle.

    Regards, Tomte

    10. Juni 2020 at 19:06 #48985

    Damit habe ich es hinbekommen:

    Versuchen Sie, dem Gerät zuerst zu vertrauen, bevor Sie es paren.
    Beim Versuch, meine AirPods mit Ubuntu 16.04 zu koppeln, ist derselbe Fehler aufgetreten.
    In bluetoothctl mit sudo habe ich bekommen
    Attempting to pair with XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX  
    Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled
    Attempting to connect to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX  
    Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
    Nun, das habe ich versucht (voller Fortschritt)
    $ sudo bluetoothctl
    [bluetooth]# power on
    [bluetooth]# agent on
    [bluetooth]# default-agent
    [bluetooth]# scan on
    [NEW] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX David's AirPods
    [bluetooth]# scan off
    [bluetooth]# trust XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    [bluetooth]# pair XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    Attempting to pair with XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Connected: yes
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX UUIDs: ... 
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX UUIDs: ... 
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX UUIDs: ... 
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX UUIDs: ... 
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX UUIDs: ... 
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX UUIDs: ... 
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX UUIDs: ... 
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX UUIDs: ... 
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Paired: yes
    Pairing successful
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Connected: no
    [bluetooth]# connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    Attempting to connect to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Connected: yes
    Connection successful
    [bluetooth]# quit
    Jetzt funktionieren die AirPods wunderbar zwischen meinem iPhone und Ubuntu.
    16. Juni 2020 at 18:51 #49028


    Not sure this is the correct place to post this request but have not seen this addressed anywhere else.

    I have successfully set up Max2Play on two RPi3 with Hifiberry AMP 2 hats.

    One RPi is called „porchserver“ and the other is called „masterbath“

    Both are on the same network using ethernet connections and are wired to speakers directly.

    Both have Squeezelite running and „Porchserver“ has Squeezebox Server running.

    When using „Squeezebox Server Webadministration“ to open LMS on „porchserver“:

    I can get the RP3s to synchronize when playing music from a USB drive on „porchserver“
    I can get the RP3s to synchronize when playing music from a share on a Windows PC on the network
    I can get the RP3s to synchronize when playing internet radio

    I cannot get the RP3s to synchronize when playing music from my Samsung S7 via Bluetooth.

    If my S7 is connected to „porchserver“ via BT, I can get sound from „porchserver“ but not „masterbath“

    It seems as though the BT connection is not using Squeezebox at all. The LMS window does not give any errors
    but does not seem to be controlling the S7 to RPi BT stream at all and seems to freeze up even though music is playing.

    When I’m using Squeezer on my S7 I get essentially the same behavior:

    I can get the RP3s to synchronize when playing music from a USB drive on „porchserver“
    I can get the RP3s to synchronize when playing music from a share on a Windows PC on the network
    I can get the RP3s to synchronize when playing internet radio

    I cannot get the RP3s to synchronize when playing music from my Samsung S7 via Bluetooth

    In fact, when I try to select BT from „Favorites“ on Squeezer, I get the error: „Problem: Can’t open file for: Bluetooth“

    I can play music via BT from my S7 to each of the RPi3 individually using „Rocket Player“ software on my S7.

    I don’t know if any of details below are helpful or not. I’m running 2.52 on both RPi3.

    LMS is version 7.9.1

    Squeezer is version 2.1.0

    Any help is appreciated.



    Porchserver info:


    Squeezelite Max2Play v1.0.2 based on v1.8.4-726, Copyright 2012-2015 Adrian Smith, 2015-2016 Ralph Irving.


    ### Configuration of Audioplayers
    SQUEEZELITE_PARAMETER=-o sysdefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a 80:4:: -o hw:0 -V Digital -C 5
    SHAIRPORT_PARAMETER=-d default:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -t hardware -m hw:0 -c Digital
    YMPD_PARAMETER=–webport 8081

    #### SQUEEZELITE -l ####
    Output devices:
    null – Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
    plugequal – Equalizer for plughw:0,0
    bluetooth – Your Bluetooth device 50:9E:A7:7E:DF:90
    default:CARD=sndrpihifiberry – snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus, – Default Audio Device
    sysdefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry – snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus, – Default Audio Device
    dmix:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 – snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus, – Direct sample mixing device
    dsnoop:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 – snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus, – Direct sample snooping device
    hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 – snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus, – Direct hardware device without any conversions
    plughw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 – snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus, – Hardware device with all software conversions






    Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.1 – 1522157629 @ Fri Mar 30 12:27:11 CEST 2018
    Hostname: Porchserver
    Server IP Address:
    Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
    Operating system: Debian – EN – utf8
    Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
    Perl Version: 5.24.1 – arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
    Audio::Scan: 0.95
    Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
    Total Players Recognized: 2

    Player Model: SqueezeLite
    Player Type: squeezelite
    Firmware: Max2Play v1.0.2 based on v1.8.4-726
    Player IP Address:
    Player MAC Address: b8:27:eb:93:fb:01

    Player Model: SqueezeLite
    Player Type: squeezelite
    Firmware: Max2Play v1.0.2 based on v1.8.4-726
    Player IP Address:
    Player MAC Address: b8:27:eb:a4:3d:0d



    Device 40:F0:2F:6B:BA:1B DESKTOP-M76NP7J
    Device 50:9E:A7:7E:DF:90 Samsung Galaxy S7
    Device 24:F0:94:8D:04:4B Sandy Walsh
    agent off
    No agent is registered
    agent NoInputNoOutput
    Device 40:F0:2F:6B:BA:1B DESKTOP-M76NP7J
    Device 50:9E:A7:7E:DF:90 Samsung Galaxy S7
    Device 24:F0:94:8D:04:4B Sandy Walsh
    Agent registered
    Device 40:F0:2F:6B:BA:1B DESKTOP-M76NP7J
    Device 50:9E:A7:7E:DF:90 Samsung Galaxy S7
    connect 50:9E:A7:7E:DF:90
    Device 24:F0:94:8D:04:4B Sandy Walsh
    connect 50:9E:A7:7E:DF:90
    Attempting to connect to 50:9E:A7:7E:DF:90
    Device 50:9E:A7:7E:DF:90 Connected: yes
    Agent unregistered
    Name: Samsung Galaxy S7
    Address: 50:9E:A7:7E:DF:90
    Icon: phone
    Class: 0x5a020c
    Paired: 1
    Connected: 1

    16. Dezember 2023 at 13:53 #52991

    Hi. I’ve just tried to set this up (Wanting to stream audio from my phone via bluetooth to the LMS to play through any of my radios) following the instructions in the tutorial video bit when I try to scan for Bluetooth devices to find my phone the web page never reloads.

    I see this message near the top of the page:

    „Trying to launch … NOT successful Click here to show detailed information“

    But clicking there shows me nothing.

    Any ideas?

    This is the one thing I really bought the subscription for.


    30. Juli 2024 at 3:11 #53210

    I am trying to play from my phone to squeezebox server/Lyrion but the squeezebox touch player says:
    Problem: Can’t open file for:

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled the max2play bluetooth
    Clicked again install bluetooth streaming for squeezebox server.
    All appear installed correctly.
    Favourites has „Bluetooth“ wavin:bluetooth entry.
    Lyrion server is 8.5.2 and has waveinput plugin enabled
    Max2Play is 2.60 on Raspberry PI 3b+.

    #### Bluetooth Installation ####

    #### Bluetooth Dongle ####
    hci0: Type: Primary Bus: UART
    BD Address: B8:27:EB:xx:xx:xx ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
    RX bytes:217875 acl:605 sco:0 events:428 errors:0
    TX bytes:14182 acl:182 sco:0 commands:249 errors:0

    #### DEVICE xx’s S23+ ####
    spawn /usr/bin/bluetoothctl
    Agent registered
    [0;94m[xx’s S23+][0m# info BC:10:7B:xx:xx:xx
    Device BC:10:7B:xx:xx:xx (public)
    Name: xx’s S23+
    Alias: xx’s S23+
    Class: 0x005a020c
    Icon: phone
    Paired: yes
    Trusted: yes
    Blocked: no
    Connected: yes
    LegacyPairing: no

    #### BLUEALSA RUNNING ####

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