[UPDATE BUG FIX] Bluetooth Addon BETA

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  • 18. April 2019 at 15:11 #45075

    Hello Heiner,

    I don’t know whether to start another thread here or not. Let me describe my planned system set up and ask if it is possible.

    I have 2 Raspi with HiFiberry Amp 2 in both of them connected to my home network via ethernet.

    One is configured as a squeezebox server and it works very well. It is named „Porchserver“. I can stream via bluetooth, and control via my laptop or mobile phone.

    My other raspi is called „masterbath“. If I set it up as an audioplayer, I can control it from Porchserver, no problem. My primary interest for „masterbath“ is to be able to stream bluetooth sound from the TV in the master bath to „masterbath“.

    My question is:

    Can I stream via bluetooth directly to „masterbath“? I can’t see how this is possible with it set up as a squeezelite audio player or as an MPD player. With my mobile phone, I can see „masterbath“ as a bluetooth device, but I cannot connect to it. I don’t think I can get a reliable bluetooth connection from my TV to Porchserver (due to the distance between them), assuming I can figure out how to do a pairing and connection, which was the subject of my previous post in this thread. I can switch the Raspi so that masterbath is the squeezebox server and porchserver becomes a squeezelite player, but then I just have the opposite problem if I want to stream bluetooth to porchserver.

    Thanks again for all your previous help.

    Best regards,


    23. April 2019 at 9:47 #45097

    Hi Andy,

    Unfortunately, this is a natural limitation of the Bluetooth integration.

    However, you can use the Bluetooth speaker player in the Bluetooth plugin to stream directly from your BT device to your Max2Play device. Then you have to add „-C 5“ to your Squeezelite player to make sure the audio card is not blocked by it when you play through Bluetooth.

    23. April 2019 at 10:37 #45104

    leider findet mein Echo Dot der 3. Generation meine MAX2PLAY Instanz auf einem Pi Zero nicht, umgekehrt aber schon.

    Kann mir jemand helfen?

    Besten Dank

    #### Bluetooth Installation ####

    #### Bluetooth Dongle ####
    hci1: Type: Primary Bus: UART
    BD Address: B8:27:EB:C2:1D:D2 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
    RX bytes:3721 acl:0 sco:0 events:119 errors:0
    TX bytes:5085 acl:0 sco:0 commands:105 errors:0

    hci0: Type: Primary Bus: USB
    BD Address: 00:1A:7D:DA:71:12 ACL MTU: 310:10 SCO MTU: 64:8
    RX bytes:2464 acl:0 sco:0 events:148 errors:0
    TX bytes:5662 acl:0 sco:0 commands:148 errors:0

    #### BLUEALSA RUNNING ####

    If you connected Bluetooth Speakers, make sure to set the soundcard of your audioplayers to bluetooth as audio output! You need to restart your Audioplayer if the Bluetooth Device changed.
    If you connected a Smartphone to stream to Squeezebox Server, NO further setting to your soundcard is needed (do NOT set your soundcard to bluealsa)!
    Controller B8:27:EB:C2:1D:D2 M2P-Terrasse
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 Echo Dot-FCT
    trust 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 not available
    pair 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 not available
    connect 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 not available
    Controller B8:27:EB:C2:1D:D2 M2P-Terrasse
    Waiting to connect to bluetoothd…

    Hier meine 2. Instanz (Pi3+)

    #### Bluetooth Installation ####

    #### Bluetooth Dongle ####
    hci0: Type: Primary Bus: UART
    BD Address: B8:27:EB:72:B4:22 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
    RX bytes:3018 acl:42 sco:0 events:131 errors:0
    TX bytes:3505 acl:43 sco:0 commands:77 errors:0

    #### DEVICE Echo Dot-FCT ####
    Name: Echo Dot-FCT
    Alias: Echo Dot-FCT [rw]
    Address: 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Icon: audio-card
    Class: 0x2c0414
    Paired: 1
    Trusted: 1 [rw]
    Blocked: 0 [rw]
    Connected: 0
    UUIDs: [AudioSource, AudioSink, AVRemoteControlTarget, AdvancedAudioDistribution, AVRemoteControl, PnPInformation, 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb]

    #### BLUEALSA RUNNING ####

    If you connected Bluetooth Speakers, make sure to set the soundcard of your audioplayers to bluetooth as audio output! You need to restart your Audioplayer if the Bluetooth Device changed.
    If you connected a Smartphone to stream to Squeezebox Server, NO further setting to your soundcard is needed (do NOT set your soundcard to bluealsa)!
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 Echo Dot-FCT
    trust 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Changing 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 trust succeeded
    pair 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Attempting to pair with 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists
    connect 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Attempting to connect to 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 Connected: yes
    Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 Connected: no
    Name: Echo Dot-FCT
    Address: 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Icon: audio-card
    Class: 0x2c0414
    Paired: 1
    Connected: 0

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Ti-ejtsch.
    23. April 2019 at 13:15 #45115


    Bitte einmal ein Beta-Update machen, Bluetooth deinstallieren, Bluetooth neu installieren und neustarten.

    23. April 2019 at 13:35 #45118

    Nach dem Beta Update und Neustart:

    #### Bluetooth Installation ####

    #### Bluetooth Dongle ####
    hci1: Type: Primary Bus: UART
    BD Address: B8:27:EB:C2:1D:D2 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
    RX bytes:3470 acl:0 sco:0 events:119 errors:0
    TX bytes:5323 acl:0 sco:0 commands:106 errors:0

    hci0: Type: Primary Bus: USB
    BD Address: 00:1A:7D:DA:71:12 ACL MTU: 310:10 SCO MTU: 64:8
    RX bytes:1860 acl:0 sco:0 events:113 errors:0
    TX bytes:4964 acl:0 sco:0 commands:113 errors:0

    #### BLUEALSA RUNNING ####

    If you connected Bluetooth Speakers, make sure to set the soundcard of your audioplayers to bluetooth as audio output! You need to restart your Audioplayer if the Bluetooth Device changed.
    If you connected a Smartphone to stream to Squeezebox Server, NO further setting to your soundcard is needed (do NOT set your soundcard to bluealsa)!
    Controller B8:27:EB:C2:1D:D2 M2P-Terrasse
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 Echo Dot-FCT
    trust 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 not available
    pair 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 not available
    connect 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4
    Device 5C:41:5A:DC:13:D4 not available
    Controller B8:27:EB:C2:1D:D2 M2P-Terrasse
    Waiting to connect to bluetoothd…

    In der ALexa App wird der PI-Zero immer noch nicht angezeigt.
    Andere Bluetooth Geräte wie Notebook schon

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Ti-ejtsch.
    27. April 2019 at 14:48 #45159

    hi, I have bundle raspberry pi3 with ALLO dac,
    I installed the bluetooth plugin and did installation in my max2play and I see the bluetooth plugin in the list, I open the bluetooth plugin and press „install bluetooth“ button but at the end of the process and after reboot it is not installed, I still find the „install bluetooth“ button. can someone help me. thank you

    30. April 2019 at 11:55 #45178

    Hi Max,

    Is your device connected to the internet? Also, have you updated to version 2.48 yet?

    5. Mai 2019 at 20:22 #45264


    Brand new HiFiBerry DAC+ bundle.
    I hope to stream bluetooth from phone to squeezebox server for home distribution.

    Version 2.48 – Raspberry PI 3

    I cannot get my phone paired properly.

    My process;

    1. Install Bluetooth.
    2. Scan for devices.
    3. Connect to iPhone
    4. Phone says connected to max2play
    5. Max2Play (yellow box says waiting for bluetoothd…)
    6. Hangs indefinitely. Never turns green.


    If you connected a Smartphone to stream to Squeezebox Server, NO further setting to your soundcard is needed (do NOT set your soundcard to bluealsa)!
    Device 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03 Brian’s iPhone
    trust 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Changing 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03 trust succeeded
    pair 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Attempting to pair with 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists
    connect 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Attempting to connect to 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Connection successful
    Waiting to connect to bluetoothd…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Brian. Reason: More detail
    6. Mai 2019 at 11:47 #45272

    For anyone still affected by connection issues (version 2.47 and older), please do the following to fix your bluetooth:

    – Head to Settings/Reboot and click the Update Button
    – When the update is finished, head to Bluetooth and „Uninstall Bluetooth“
    – Refresh the Bluetooth menu if necessary and „Install Bluetooth“
    – Reboot after the installation is finished

    Your system should now be able to connect to any Bluetooth device again.

    6. Mai 2019 at 12:01 #45276

    Yes,It Is !!! Buy don’t work

    6. Mai 2019 at 13:45 #45282

    Hello max,

    Do you mean the bug fix does not work? Have you tried it yet and if so what was the error then, same installation problem?

    Which version of Max2Play do you have? In Settings/Reboot you can find „stretch“ „jessie“ oder „wheezy“ in the debug info window.

    6. Mai 2019 at 16:18 #45291

    Hello Heiner.

    From my message above (5. Mai 2019 at 20:22 #45264)

    I’m at 2.48
    I tried an update but it said „Max2Play is up to date – no update required“
    I am still unable to complete my bluetooth connection.

    Is there anything else I can try to correct my connection issue?



    I did a force update to Version Beta-190502
    I uninstalled bluetooth.
    I reinstalled bluetooth.
    I rebooted.

    Issue remains the same.

    Device 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03 Brian’s iPhone
    trust 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Changing 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03 trust succeeded
    pair 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Attempting to pair with 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists
    connect 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Attempting to connect to 50:BC:96:A0:E3:03
    Connection successful
    Waiting to connect to bluetoothd…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Brian.
    7. Mai 2019 at 9:33 #45301

    Hello Brian,

    Have you tried another bluetooth device yet?

    Also, how old is your image of Max2Play?

    7. Mai 2019 at 14:38 #45312

    Hi Heiner,

    My Max2Play in less than one month old.

    I have tried with with another iPhone with the same result.

    But I just now tried with a Galaxy Tablet and it worked!

    An issue with two iPhones?

    Thank you!

    8. Mai 2019 at 15:19 #45323

    Which iPhone model do you have? Perhaps we can try to recreate the issue here. However, as I have to mention with any issue in this thread, Bluetooth is a complicated beast, each issue is different and can have different causes. Factors like WiFi, distance, bluetooth protocol number, overall wireless connection, or even a human standing between the devices can vastly change the quality and output performance.

    8. Mai 2019 at 16:04 #45324

    Thanks Heiner.

    I understand complications with bluetooth.
    Sometimes the magic just doesn’t work.
    I appreciate the help.

    There are two iPhones I have attempted to connect.
    One is an old iPhone 3, the other is an iPhone 8.

    For what it’s worth, I have tried connecting both within one meter of the RaspberryPi.


    14. Mai 2019 at 9:43 #45388

    Hi Brian,

    We will make a few tests with iPhones and see if this is a general issue.

    15. Mai 2019 at 19:32 #45409

    I have tried several times but it does not work, below debug info of my settings / startup page:

    #### FILESYSTEM ####
    Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/root 7351024 5226052 1801680 75% /
    devtmpfs 443724 0 443724 0% /dev
    tmpfs 448332 0 448332 0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs 448332 6508 441824 2% /run
    tmpfs 5120 4 5116 1% /run/lock
    tmpfs 448332 0 448332 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/mmcblk0p1 61384 24128 37256 40% /boot
    /dev/sda1 976521088 669207392 307313696 69% /media/usb0
    tmpfs 89668 4 89664 1% /run/user/1000

    #### LOAD AVERAGE ####
    0.10 0.26 0.28 1/223 17616

    #### KERNEL ####
    Linux max2play 4.14.90-v7+ #1183 SMP Fri Dec 21 14:03:50 GMT 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

    #### LINUX-VERSION ####
    Distributor ID: Raspbian
    Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
    Release: 8.0
    Codename: jessie

    thank you for help.

    16. Mai 2019 at 10:04 #45425

    Hello max,

    You have an older version of Max2Play based on jessie. You can try burning the new image based on Stretch. Make sure you create a backup of your existing install before.

    16. Mai 2019 at 10:23 #45427

    Hello, thanks you v m, how can i create a backup ??

    16. Mai 2019 at 12:10 #45440

    You can use our plugin image burner to create an .img file and save it somewhere. You can also use any other software that can read images and back them up as an .img file. You can then use this .img file to newly burn your old image on any card.

    21. Mai 2019 at 21:16 #45467

    Good day. I have one MAx2Play earned, and on the second this plugin does not appear

    When finished this message disappears.

    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    libssl-dev : Depends: libssl1.0.0 (= 1.0.1t-1+deb8u2) but 1.0.1t-1+deb7u4 is to be installed
    pulseaudio : Depends: libfftw3-single3 but it is not going to be installed
    Depends: libwebrtc-audio-processing-0 but it is not going to be installed
    Depends: libasound2-plugins but it is not going to be installed
    Depends: pulseaudio-utils but it is not going to be installed
    Recommends: pulseaudio-module-x11 but it is not going to be installed
    Recommends: rtkit but it is not going to be installed
    pulseaudio-module-bluetooth : Depends: libsbc1 but it is not going to be installed
    Depends: bluez (>= 4.40) but it is not going to be installed
    Reading package lists…
    Building dependency tree…
    Reading state information…
    You might want to run ‚apt-get -f install‘ to correct these:
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    libssl-dev : Depends: libssl1.0.0 (= 1.0.1t-1+deb8u2) but 1.0.1t-1+deb7u4 is to be installed
    pi-bluetooth : Depends: bluez but it is not going to be installed
    Depends: bluez-firmware but it is not going to be installed
    You need to choose pulse as audio output for your audioplayer AND run a X-Server (e.g. Jivelite – workaround for pulseaudio)

    24. Mai 2019 at 13:58 #45483

    Hi Alex,

    Are you using an older image/version of Max2Play? If so, you should try updating to the latest version 2.48. This should fix the problem.

    24. Mai 2019 at 21:54 #45485

    Can you simultaneously stream music into two max2play simultaneously from one phone?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by AlexAl77.
    27. Mai 2019 at 16:29 #45491

    Hi Alex,

    This should be no problem since you can synchronize your Players in the Squeezebox Server.

    You can do this from the web interface in the upper right corner or from a Squeezebox App like Squeezer or iPeng.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by MarioM.
    24. Juli 2019 at 17:24 #46473


    My pi2 can’t connect to a Bluetooth CSR 4.0 dongle. Package info mentions different windows flavours as OS – do I need a special dongle for linux? I installed a fresh image last week. (M2P opt. for touch display) – version 2.50.

    I would like to stream music from my phone to squeezebox.

    Error message:
    Bluetooth-Dongle: Not working correctly – Restart Device!
    Bluetoothsink Available: Not Setup
    Pulseaudio: 1

    #### Bluetooth Installation ####

    #### Bluetooth Dongle ####
    hci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB
    BD Address: 00:1A:7D:DA:71:11 ACL MTU: 679:9 SCO MTU: 48:16
    RX bytes:1148 acl:0 sco:0 events:60 errors:0
    TX bytes:736 acl:0 sco:0 commands:60 errors:0

    #### PACMD LIST | grep active ####
    active port: <analog-output>
    active port: <analog-output>
    active profile: <output:analog-stereo>
    active profile: <output:analog-stereo>

    #### PACMD LIST | grep sink ####
    Default sink name: alsa_output.0.analog-stereo
    module.description = „When a bluetooth sink or source is added, load module-loopback“
    module.description = „Automatically restore the default sink and source“
    module.description = „When a sink/source is removed, try to move its streams to the default sink/source“
    name: <module-always-sink>
    module.description = „Always keeps at least one sink loaded even if it’s a null one“
    module.description = „When a sink/source is idle for too long, suspend it“
    module.description = „Load filter sinks automatically when needed“
    2 sink(s) available.
    0 sink input(s) available.

    #### X-SERVER RUNNING ####

    1 S 1000 1524 1 0 80 0 – 25973 – ? 00:00:00 pulseaudio
    1 S 1000 1545 1 0 80 0 – 478 – ? 00:00:00 start-pulseaudi

    2 card(s) available.
    index: 0
    name: <alsa_card.0>
    driver: <module-alsa-card.c>
    owner module: 6
    alsa.card = „0“
    alsa.card_name = „bcm2835 ALSA“
    alsa.long_card_name = „bcm2835 ALSA“
    device.bus_path = „/devices/virtual/sound/card0“
    sysfs.path = „/devices/virtual/sound/card0“
    device.string = „0“
    device.description = „bcm2835 ALSA“
    module-udev-detect.discovered = „1“
    device.icon_name = „audio-card“
    output:analog-mono: Analog Mono Output (priority 100, available: unknown)
    output:analog-stereo: Analog Stereo Output (priority 6000, available: unknown)
    off: Off (priority 0, available: unknown)
    active profile: <output:analog-stereo>
    alsa_output.0.analog-stereo/#0: bcm2835 ALSA Analog Stereo
    alsa_output.0.analog-stereo.monitor/#0: Monitor of bcm2835 ALSA Analog Stereo
    analog-output: Analog Output (priority 9900, latency offset 0 usec, available: unknown)

    index: 1
    name: <alsa_card.platform-soc_sound>
    driver: <module-alsa-card.c>
    owner module: 26
    alsa.card = „1“
    alsa.card_name = „snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus“
    alsa.long_card_name = „snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus“
    alsa.driver_name = „snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus“
    device.bus_path = „platform-soc:sound“
    sysfs.path = „/devices/platform/soc/soc:sound/sound/card1“
    device.string = „1“
    device.description = „snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus“
    module-udev-detect.discovered = „1“
    device.icon_name = „audio-card“
    output:analog-stereo: Analog Stereo Output (priority 6000, available: unknown)
    off: Off (priority 0, available: unknown)
    active profile: <output:analog-stereo>
    alsa_output.platform-soc_sound.analog-stereo/#1: snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus Analog Stereo
    alsa_output.platform-soc_sound.analog-stereo.monitor/#1: Monitor of snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus Analog Stereo
    analog-output: Analog Output (priority 9900, latency offset 0 usec, available: unknown)

    25. Juli 2019 at 11:26 #46477

    Hi lektoren,

    Sorry about the confusion, our touchscreen image is much older than our current ones (2.32 instead of 2.49/2.50). Therefore, the bluetooth solution is also an older one since we switched from pulse audio to bluealsa in between those versions. Unfortunately, that’s a change that cannot be made with update since the underlying Linux structures had to be changed for new Raspberry Pi models. You can use the default image and install the rpi display plugin manually.

    25. Juli 2019 at 23:48 #46494

    Hi Heiner,

    Thanks for your help.

    I have installed the 2.49 image.
    Bluetooth was already in the menu, and I clicked ‚install bluetooth‘, but I still get the error message:

    Settings & Hardware
    Bluetooth-Dongle: Not working correctly – Restart Device!
    Bluealsa Running: 1

    #### Bluetooth Installation ####

    #### Bluetooth Dongle ####
    hci0: Type: Primary Bus: USB
    BD Address: 00:1A:7D:DA:71:11 ACL MTU: 679:9 SCO MTU: 48:16
    RX bytes:1148 acl:0 sco:0 events:60 errors:0
    TX bytes:736 acl:0 sco:0 commands:60 errors:0

    #### BLUEALSA RUNNING ####

    I have rebooted.

    26. Juli 2019 at 10:22 #46501

    Then it might be connected to the BT dongle’s driver requirements. Have you googled the exact device’s name and „raspbian driver“ yet?

    29. Juli 2019 at 10:02 #46516

    Hi Heiner,
    No, I haven’t. It is just a cheap bluetooth-dongle with no brand name.
    I think I will wait a while for further development 🙂


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