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Posted in: Allo USB Bundle
15. Februar 2018 at 2:44 #34015
Heiner – I’m very sorry to have to tell you that today I have redone my RaspberryPi installation and moved to a stock Raspbian and I’ve done the work to install LMS, SqueezeLite, and configure it for using my HiFiBerry audio hardware by hand. Thankfully I have long experience in *nix operating systems (having been an ERP app admin for half my career at my current employer) and I know my way around Google and forums. I’m listening to an audio stream now as LMS scanning my music collection.
I did want to tell what happened because it’s been 8 weeks since my last post and, again, the Max2Play system somehow, magically, was hosed over night. LMS was working last evening. I listened to a playlist as I went to bed. Today I worked from home after a dentist appointment and when I tried to use the SqueezeBoxServer web UI to create a playlist, the UI was missing elements!
So, I opened http://max2play and restarted SqueezeBoxServer. I got a „restart successful“ message, but could not connect to <host>:9000. I restarted again. No SqueezeBoxServer on port 9000. So, I rebooted the RPi. On reboot the Max2Play Admin UI said SqueezeBoxServer was not installed.
I know you and your colleagues do excellent work–the M2P UI is really nice and it’s easy to use. But this is now the FOURTH time my SqueezeBoxServerinstall has mysteriously become hosed. I’ve done nothing to the install; it’s been working flawlessly since I reinstalled it. And this time it’s with a brand new RPi3 that I bought after our last interactions (see above). I’ve since bought a NAS so there is no issue with USB or power, etc. (which required only a mount in the M2P config and a rescan). And yet, again, SqueezeBoxServer becomes unusable and … well, I’m done.
I know ditching M2P won’t help you figure out what’s going on, but I’m not willing to wait until something could be figured out. I just want it to work and not fail when I’m not doing anything to it except listening and occasionally adding new music (and the rescan that requires). Max2Play isn’t giving me that. Wish it did.
19. Dezember 2017 at 18:11 #33056Heiner — Thanks for your suggestions.
That’s the bundle I bought though at the time the Pi3 wasn’t sold, so I bought a PiB+. It comes with the 2.5A 5V power supply you recommend.
I will consider this the price of using this type of system. It is not, after all, a $2000 Apple MacBook Pro. I will also get another hdmi cable, and keyboard, and set them to be permanently attached to the Pi so the aggravation of dealing with any future issues is lessened.
Thanks again.
19. Dezember 2017 at 17:08 #33053Heiner,
I know these are man-made objects, but do power supplies and sd cards go bad? The power supply is the one purchased from HiFiBerry when I bought the RPiB+, as is the sd card, part of a bundled purchase. Too, if everything worked before the reboot and then *works after reimaging the sd card* logic would lead me to conclude whatever goes awry can’t be the supply/card since they remain the same before and after.
That said, how does one check supply and card for problems? Or, if that’s too difficult (requires specialized testing equipment, etc.) what does Max2Play recommend as an acceptable power supply?
19. Dezember 2017 at 4:15 #33041Heiner … an update, sad to say. I have had to reimage my m2p 2.44 sd card again. I cannot help you with any kind of data other than to tell you what happened because, well, it would not successfully boot. All I did was use the m2p webui to restart the RPi. That’s it. But nothing on reboot. No anything … no networking, no ui, no video output, no ssh. Well, no boot output. I did have a multi-colored square on my TV (hdmi input), but nothing else, no kernel load, etc.
The only recourse available was to reimage the sd card, which worked. It’s now back up and I’ve reinstalled LMS, etc.
It seems impossible this can happen. No tweaks on my part — this was a stock install with only LMS and SqueezeLite. Yet somehow a simple reboot, or something else (?), hosed the system to the extent it could not complete a boot. Only reimaging the sd card worked.
10. November 2017 at 20:54 #32412Heiner – thanks for the reply.
1. I set up fixed IP as a trouble-shooting step to by-pass DHCP IP renewal; eth0 going dead occurs with both fixed IP (set either from the Max2Play admin UI or in the dhcp config file in /etc) and without fixed IP.
2. The 2Tb USB disk is attached to a powered hub with the hub’s connecting cable running to the RPi2, so its operation should not be a draw on the RPi2 power supply. I have not modified any setting related to the RPi2 (cpu overclocking or power output to USB ports).
How can I check the input power coming into the RPi2? I’m using the AV/DC power brick that I bought when I bought the RPi2 from HifiBerry.
Other than setting the USB to be persistently mounted, installing LMS/SqueezeLite, and using aptitude from a terminal session to install a few mp3 tag editing apps, this is a stock Max2Play/RPi2 unit. I don’t use the desktop UI and have no keyboard/mouse attached, nor do I use HDMI out to any monitor.
It failed again last night. Was streaming a local radio station and it went silent. I observed the ethernet port activity lights continue to flash for about five minutes, then they went dark and did not resume activity. I went to bed. This morning the ethernet port activity lights were again active with no action on my part and I could again connect to the LSM with my smartphone app. So, sometime overnight the eth0 issue righted itself. BUT … I could not play an internet stream. All attempts reported that the stream URL could not be found. I could play music from my library on the USB drive.
Very odd behavior. I’ve been using this thing for many, many weeks. Why should the eth0 link go down like this? When this happens, btw, I have wifi connections to the router and I can check email, etc., so the network itself is there.
5. September 2017 at 22:45 #31142Heiner,
Do you know what „Remove SlimService specific code. 7.9 will never be run on“ from the SlimServer 7.0 change log means?
Just asking.
4. September 2017 at 17:01 #31131Heiner,
I thank you for your reply. I realize that Max2Play has users/customers with a broad range of experience. I am one of those with much experience — 30 years in IT, over a decade of that as an ERP system administrator using Solaris systems for a large American public university. I used Linux as my primary home OS for 20 years (first Linux install was Slackware 1.0 and I’m using as I type LinuxMint 18.1). I know my way around a computer. When dpkg installs the LMS .deb package in 5 minutes, but a web-based process doing the same is not concluded in 30 minutes, then I „grow weary“ of the process. There can be many underlying issues that seem to prevent the installation conclusion I know, but nonetheless it seems that 30 minutes is, well, not right.
I say this not to brag (there are certainly people who have greater knowledge than I do — kernel developers are astounding!) or find blame (truly–I know you and your colleagues at Max2Play do your best at a difficult task), but to show that my comments are not random or simply those of an impatient person. I really did work for five hours trying to „fix“ the M2P/Pi2/LMS systematically looking through config files to see if I could discover anything relevant.
I understand, from your perspective, that a customer who does such things poses a support nightmare — you cannot know what I’ve done and thus cannot begin to offer real help. I know that what I did presents difficulties for remote support (god knows I’ve had to deal with similar things in my own career). That is why I did not ask for such help — I asked for any approaches I can take to provide stability *after* I had re-imaged my M2P/Pi2 install.
But you do give me a hint of how apps like M2P should be considered–simply backup and when there are issues re-image the system and restore the backup (and from now on forget any thought of „fixing“ or „trouble-shooting“). Which I shall do from now on because when M2P is working well it is a very, very nice application (which I why I had no issue paying for it).
And, after all that, I’m quite happy to say that the new 2.44 image is already better than the 2.43 image. The LMS install completed in less than 10 minutes, as I’d expect. The 3-minute install loop that did not conclude, that I mentioned above, did not occur with the 2.44 M2P version. Also, though M2P/Pi2 is connecting to the same USB drive, the LMS library scan only took 2.5 hours and not 4+ hours. LMS already seems more responsive (could just be me happy to have it working again).
Thanks to the M2P developers who worked on this new M2P version!
5. Juli 2017 at 6:18 #29803Heiner,
max2play updated to v2.43 and all is well. Thanks for your help.
4. Juli 2017 at 17:40 #29799Heiner thanks!
I knew this was where we’d end up, but wanted to ask anyway. And things have gotten worse not better. Now the http://max2play UI is completely blank, no content whatsoever, the apache serviced page is empty.
28. Juni 2017 at 18:51 #29759Heiner,
As I have already said, twice, LMS works. I continue to listen to it. LMS is not the problem.
The issue, as I’ve said, is the max2play web UI. It has empty content. It is, thus, unusable. What can I do to fix it?
As the screen-shot should show, the expected content is not visible in the one max2play menu. This is true of all of the max2play UI menus. All show the blank, white area beneath the menu. All of them.
There is no issue with disk. I provided the output for df -h in my initial post:
max2play% df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 14G 2.8G 11G 21% /
devtmpfs 427M 0 427M 0% /dev
tmpfs 432M 0 432M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 432M 6.1M 425M 2% /run
tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 432M 0 432M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1 60M 22M 39M 36% /boot
/dev/sda1 1.9T 885G 979G 48% /media/usb0
tmpfs 87M 0 87M 0% /run/user/1000Disk is not an issue here, the max2play web UI is the issue.
26. Juni 2017 at 16:55 #29726Heiner — this is not a new install; been running max2play since November, 2016 (Pi hardware formerly used for a different distro). Only use LMS on it (though Kodi installed it is unused).
As I said in my post, I listen to LMS daily and it currently works. Occasionally I will purchase new music (mp3/flac or CD, which I rip to flac) and then scp the files to the Pi USB drive connected to it (/media/USB0/music) then tell LMS to rescan. I did rip and scp some files last weekend. When I tried to play the new music I found LMS unresponsive with either the LMS web UI or with two different LMS apps on my Samsung S6 smartphone. That’s when I attempted to load the max2play web ui to check on things there. That also failed to load (just a revolving „processing“ icon). Not having any other recourse I ssh’d to the host, which worked, and did „#> sudo shutdown /r now“ to reboot.
Reboot was successful and LMS works, both the web UI and access via the Android apps. ssh works as well. But on reloading the max2play UI, I got what you see in the image link. Somehow/some reason the max2play UI fails to construct the pages correctly. Very odd. I’m hoping to avoid a reinstall, but if I have to I have to. Frankly I can’t think what you can do to fix something like this other than a re-install, but it doesn’t hurt to ask before I do it.
21. Dezember 2016 at 15:26 #25112Since my Max2Play 4Gb SD card was indeed consumed I ended up re-doing my entire Max2Play system on a new 8Gb SD card. And when I got the very first Expand warning on the very first boot in the Max2Play, the process expanded the primary Max2Play partition to use the entire SD card. So, I now have a 6Gb primary where Max2Play „resides“. It seems, based on both of our experiences, that the Expand function is problematic and not entirely consistent in its operation.
As you have taken your SD card about of your Pi you can use other tools to manage its partitions than the Max2Play „tool.“ I do not know what tools exist for Windows or MacOSX that can do what I’m about to describe because I am a 20-year Linux user and that is what I know best. But the concepts should remain the same no matter what tool you use. If you use Windows/MacOSX, google „partition manager“ for tools for those operating systems.
To do this with a Linux OS, you need an application called „parted“ (Partition Editor) installed. Many Linux variants come with parted installed and the Max2Play installation does have it. If you desire a GUI version, then gparted is the application. I confess that this is one application where I prefer the GUI to the command line. The visual representation of the partitions is simply easier to understand. Note that you cannot use your Pi booted to Max2Play to do this because resizing a mounted „in use“ partition cannot be done, so you cannot boot your Pi then use parted on the booted OS that is on the Max2Play SD card.
BUT … if you have a second bootable SD for your Pi, and you can install parted on it, you can boot from it, mount your Max2Play SD card (IF – big IF – you have an SD card reader dongle like I have in which you put your SD card which then plugs into a USB port on your Pi). Doing this might well be worth the effort.
1. Mount the SD card (which you know how to do).
2. Determine which „mounted“ disk is your SD Card. On a Linux system run „sudo fdisk -l“ to see the mounted disks; the list will show items named like „/dev/sda#/ where # is a number, e.g., /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1; the letter before the number will increase with the number of mounted disks, a, b, c, d, etc.
3. The tricky part here is knowing which of these is your SD card. On a desktop system /dev/sda is usually the main, primary drive, /dev/sdb is often the cd/dvd drive. On my Pi, my USB drive on which is my music, is mounted as /dev/sdb (because my Pi has no CD/DVD drive) and the partition is /dev/sdb1. If I wanted to modify its partitions then /dev/sdb is the disk I would use parted on. A Max2Play SD card will show Linux as its OS and it should not be the /dev/sda disk when it’s mounted on a running OS.
4. On Linux using gparted to do this:
5. If you cannot use gparted but can us another Linux OS on your Pi with your SD card mounted to it (and you’re using parted from an SSH session) then this will be helpful: You’ll see it’s as easy as (!) seeing the total size of the SD card (shown on the Disk geometry line of the „print“ command output, then walking through the Start/End values of the SD card’s partitions).
6. NOTE – there is always the change, however small, that doing this can bork your SD card. But, in 20 years I’ve never had that happen to me, personally, so I’m comfortable doing this.Hope this was of some use.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by gstalnaker.
7. Dezember 2016 at 17:33 #24654Interesting. I don’t recall adding any content to the SD card. I’ve not added any plugins or used apt to install any software. My music (my content, if I’m reading your reply correctly) is all on a 2Tb USB drive mounted at /media/usb0.
I asked in my original post: Can I remove stuff to free up space (use apt for example) or is there a max2play UI way to do this?
My use is as a Logictech Media Server connecting to a SqueezeBox Classic 2/SqueezeboxRadio. I’ve no interest in streaming video, etc. I’m never going to use Kodi/XBMC, so can that be safely uninstalled using apt?
Thanks for your replies.
2. Dezember 2016 at 22:26 #24523Yes, there was an initial expansion early on in the installation process. The warning above is a current warning.