Max2Play music setup with speakers and amplifier

For a nice sound in the interior zone or the terrace we have tested the setup extensively and are totally satisfied:
It consists of:
- Max2Play-Image with ODROID
- WLAN-receiver
- JBL-Control One Passiv-speakers
- valuable little audio amplifier
- fitting power supply for audio amplifier
The JBL-speakers are ready to be established for in- and outdoor operations and have a bassy sound, which can be fine adjusted via the equalizer of Max2Play. The amplifier is much smaller and offers enough power to enjoy music in room volume. All of the needed parts can be purchased on Amazon.
This combination requires a power connection and WLAN – so it can be easily installed and brings all the features of Max2Play and Squeezeplug along. We put the amplifier and the Max2Play-Device in a little box (see picture). Now it looks nice, too.