Max2Play Home › Forums › Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) › cannot see external hard drive
- This topic has 36 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 2 months ago by
4. Dezember 2015 at 14:48 #17123
Hi, after about 200 hours of trying to get max2play to see my external hard drive with my music files on this forum is my last hope
I have and still got a version of squeeze plug working as a server with several players around the house working well over two years now, but god this max2play has been nothing but a nightmare sadly
The max2play sees its been mounted, well it says media/usb0 and the pi manager sees the music files but the m2p just can’t see the music files at all,
Kodi can’t see them either
I followed the installatiin instructions to the letter many times, I have reinstalled a new image onto my SD many times, I have tried two hard drives, with their own power and I’m now using a powered hub
Ironically my the pi with m2p on it will play music files from my PC which shares the same network as the pi . But when I turn off my pc it just can’t see anything except what I have said above
Also I tried to download a new lms nightly nd got a message lms version not existing
So I’m now very confused and I feel I’m well and truly stuck, any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
The reason I want this is to put it in my car/caravan as a media player, surely it can’t be this difficult
Here’s hoping , thanks Alex9. Dezember 2015 at 15:38 #17200Hey Alex, Fred here in Canada
I sympathize with you, it took me a few frustrating days to get everything working on my Pi2 Setup.
What helped was hooking up a Monitor to the Pi during Boot-up JUST to make sure all is working/booting up correctly.
As for the hard drive, I had a somewhat similar problem initially, that my system could NOT see the attached 2.5 hard drive.
Very Frustrating!
In addition to not seeing it, the drive „clicked“ periodically.
I resolved this by adding the following line to the /boot/config.txt found in the root of the SD Card.
From what I read, this changes the current from .6 to 1A or something like that, giving the drive the necessary extra boost of power so the Drive and Files could now be seen.
Not sure IF this will resolve your problem, as you have mentioned you introduce a powered hub, which should have corrected the problem, but its worth a try.
I’ve fiddle with a few other programs before settling into Max2play.
I find it the most encompassing Pi Application out there, so it really is worth getting it working.
Good Luck, Fred
9. Dezember 2015 at 16:45 #17202Hi Fred
This really could be a blessing in disguise.
Thanks for taking time out to reply, I really and I mean really appreciate it.
I’m at my wits end with this, I have spent countless hours trying to resolve it one way or another, and so far failed !
All I could think of I tried and tried and tried again, and suddenly realised I had that feeling of being there, tried that before….
So exhausted with any further ideas I have actually ordered an old Pi, an A, as I have a set up now using them that system is rock solid and works.
But now you have sent this and your „fault“ with the clicking HD is precisely is what’s happening to mine, I’m not giving up so this looks like I could be onto a winner thanks to you Fred. Well here’s hoping anyhow
Can’t wait to get home from work to give it a go, and it’s much more interesting too than work
Thanks for taking time out Fred, I really appreciate it
Best wishes and I guess it’s far to say have a great Christmas, I will if I get this finally to work ! hahah
9. Dezember 2015 at 17:12 #17204No Problems Alex and you are more than welcome.
I’ll be honest, I’m usually just a lurker, but stumbled upon your post at work yesterday, made a note to myself to look up the resolution I implemented at home, and simply had to reply back, cause I know how very frustrating something like this can be.
IF you are hearing that clicking that I described, I’m pretty confident that this will resolve all your problems.
Looking forward to hearing back from you in hopes that all is good.
Max2Play is by far THE best App I have found to configure your Pi easily, so again its worth getting it up and running.
Cheer, Fred in Canada.
9. Dezember 2015 at 18:50 #17212Hi Fred,
Even if it does’nt cure it, you were decent enought to reply to try and help and for that, thanks very much.
But I’ll let you know, it just seemed so odd that the pi file manager could see the files but not the M2P.I may just ask one question. The drive I attached was a seagate 2TB with all the music pre-loaded on it. Do you know the M2P well enough to know if it acts like a plug & play machine, also would you know how if you can see the music files via M2P or do you have to use the logitech player or ipeng or even Kodi maybe to do this
Or, should I attach a empty newly formatted drive and just transfer the files via the network ( well I would have if I could have seen it) . And I have (sorry another question Fred). Once you burn your image, is there nothing more you need to add to make it work, did yous work just following the instructions. And how do you run yours as a server or player, server I guess, but just asking because as I said I have gone through so many many configerations I’m also slightly confused now. The instructions are quite clear I know, but sometimes I’ve learned even some instructions have been wrong.
Sorry to load you with this Fred but I am pretty stuck and it’s great to get someone whose got one working to bounce things around with.
In addition, I have got it working wirelessly though, and I have got bluetooth set up on it (so I don’t have to run cables from the boot to the front). However, my iphone sees the BT on the Pi and the Pi see’s it on the phone (if this makese sense) but they can’t connect albeit the bt protcol is matched. You’re not using BT by any slim chance are you.I’m really sorry for all the hassle. Please don’t feel committed to reply as you’ve helped enough already. Ok, it’s 16:44 here in UK so I better get ready to leave work now. And I’ve just realised I’m out toinght so I’m not going to get a chance to try this sadly. But I’ll let you know what happens. Thanks again, very much appreciated Fred.
BW Alex9. Dezember 2015 at 22:05 #17220Don’t worry about it Alex, I’ll keep checking this Forum and help you get through this from my side of the Pond.
I copied all my Music over to my 2 TB External Drive up front (I have 1.2 TB of Music)
I run BOTH the Server AND the Play on the Pi 2.
I attached it to the Pi 2 with a Max2Play Image on the SD card, attached a Ethernet network cable and Monitor to the Pi 2 and Booted up.
The rest are Note I took when configuring, they are my personal notes, so may be a bit cryptic BUT may help.
Good Luck, Fred
OK, I JUST got everything working…it was NOT easy, but not TOO difficult.
Had a Clicking with the hard Drive, the following resolved it;
to /boot/config.txt
Connect your HD (only one at a time)NEXT I followed the instructions online VERY Closely, and in order (this may change)
Expand the SD-Card (not needed for NOOBS-Raspberry PI Image)
To get use of the full space of the SD-Card you have to expand it. Remember that the minimum size is 8 GB. Even if your card is a 8 GB card, please expand the card, before doing something else. Otherwise you will run out of space immediately. To expand the card choose the âSETTINGS / REBOOTâ menu, go to the section âReboot / Update / Filesystem Settingsâ and click on âExpand Filesystemâ. Afterwards please reboot to take effect!
Configure the path to your files
Choose the âFILESYSTEM MOUNTâ menu to configure the path to your Media-Files like music, movies, pictures etc. Your Media-Files can be saved at different locations: On the SD-Card of the Mini-Computer itself, on an attached USB-drive, or on a Samba or NFS Network-Share. If the Media-Files are stored on the SD-Card you booted from, there is no need to do anything here. If it is stored on a USB-drive this will be mounted automatically to /media/usb and /media/usb0. If you attach more than one USB-drive, they will be mounted to /media/usb1 to /media/usb7. If your Media-Files are stored on an network location you have to configure it from this site. Everything you will need to do is explained here. If you like to enable the Mini-Computer to work as a Samba-Server, go to the section âSambashares on Max2Play â setup network share pathsâ. If configured correctly, you are now able to see your Mini-Computer as a network-share form the PCs in your home LAN. You can now easily transfer files to your Mini-Computer from other computers in your Home-LAN.
Install Squeezebox Server
If you like, you can install Squeezebox Server. Squeezebox Server is one of the best Media-Servers you can get. Choose the Menu â SQUEEZEBOX SERVER â and you will find all you need to get Squeezebox Server installed. Please remember, that it will take a while, till the Squeezebox Server webinterface is reachable after the installation. After the installation has finished, you can access the Squeezebox Server web interface by choosing âStart Squeezebox Server Webadministrationâ. One of the first things you have to configure here is the path to your media files. Please choose the path depending on the settings in the earlier steps. Squeezebox Server stands for: Logitech Media Server, SlimServer, SqueezeCenter and Squeezebox Server.
To configure you Mini-Computer as an AudioPlayer choose the menu âAUDIOPLAYERâ. From here you can configure three different players. For the Squeezebox Server environment you need the SqueezeLite player. To play from your Apple-Devices you need ShairPort. The gmediarender is a DLNA-Client for audio running with all DLNA compatible media-servers. All the players can run simultaneously. Please configure the appropriate soundcard for your system. To change the name of your player, choose the menu âSETTINGS / REBOOTâ and you will find an option to change it. Please remember, that you will not only change the player name, you will also change the hostname of your Mini-Computer. So the URL for your Mini-Computer will also change.
My Filesystem Mount Info was as follows;
Path UUID=F474B7AA74B76DCC
Mountpoint /media/usb0
Type ntfs
Options defaults,nobootwait
My Sambashares on Max2play are a follows
Name max2play-usb
Path /media/usb
Writeable yes
VERY difficult to figure out how to Get the Library to be read/sync, for this you need to into Squeezebox itself and in the Media Folders had to put the following:
Not the most obvious BUT it worked.
All for today!
10. Dezember 2015 at 10:36 #17222Hi Fred
Wow, thanks for your help, which is as I said very very kind of you.
Just realised if you have 1.2TB of music/data thats a huge amount of data, wow, I’m impressed actually !
I have about 500gb at the moment on the squeezeplug which I have hooked up to a logitech touch and which works without a glitch and has done for quite a while.And indeed your last reply has got me thinking because now I have read it. it looks like I was’nt doing things right, read on !
On my M2P, I have seen in the filesystem mountpoint Media/USB0 so thats ok, this is why I guess I can see the actual files if I look using the Pi file manager
But what I don’t see or have ever seen is the „Path UUID=F474B7AA74B76DCC“
Maybe this is been prevented because of that power/clicking issue?So where did „UUID=F474B7AA74B76DCC“ come from, was it loaded automatically, I think you’re going to say it was ?
Ok, now I come onto the other bits.
It says on the M2P site „If it (music I guess) is stored on a USB-drive this will be mounted automatically to /media/usb and /media/usb0.“
So I took it that I had to do nothing more. Meaning I didn’t have to write in the paths (which I thought was a bit odd at the time but hey ho).. So I just carried on. (bet you are screaming „you dope“ at the monitor at this point..)After trying for quite a few hours to get it to work, I was no closer and then started to think if it was indeed right to leave it blank.
Well, we all know that conventional drives just auto mount and things then can be found and run from them. Well, this was my logic with this Pi at this stage.
Now, seeing what I see here has certainly blown that theory out of the water even though I have tried to put the paths in, and in various conbinations and still not got no further. And you know what Fred, I was drawn to the conclusion it could be a path issue from the start maybe it is but now its also the power issue too.
So going back to what you have in your path(s)..
1. The filesystem mount, if this is done when you connect up with no input from you, well there’s an issue there I have
2. Samabashares mine is blank at the moment but I have put in several paths in the past to no avail but I’ll try again as long as I can get 1 done above
3. In Squeezebox mine is blank again, but you have /media/usb/MUSIC, mines blank, so I’ll try that too writing the path to my own music folder, of course….
4. Where actually did you write this in squeezeplug, under what heading ?All these, and I’m sorry for sounding stupid Fred, you accessed via the M2P GUI ?, You Must have.
You did’nt use a text editor or anything like that ?And yes Logic is telling me M2P MUST work…and I hope it does as I really don’t want to use the other older Pi I have bought which will be running squeezeplug. But worse case is, if I have to then I will.. But here’s hoping.
well, Looks like its going to be busy but I hope a fruitful weekend ahead, and albeit I say weekend, once started I hope just a few hours. Well it beats christmas shopping đ
Gosh I sound like „Ebenezer Scrooge“…Fred, I don’t know you but what a decent chap, thanks for your support and help and fingers crossed, it will get sorted, errr well I’ll not tempt fate just yet
Thanks FredAlex
12. Dezember 2015 at 12:37 #17301Hi Fred
Sadly still no luck, I have even dug out my USB stick and tried that. Since my last come to you, I have returned the image m2p 4 times and tried various setups.
Either the USB on the pi has has it or I’m inputting the wrong things into the „boxes“ under each heading
The best I have done it to MANAGE see using my HD which I unplugged from my squeezeplug server, so now with that plugged in, under the file system mounts under External drives I see
Media/usb0 so it’s seeing that drive
Then I have tried to install sbox server albeit I thought it was already as its in the list under settings, but when I do it says LMS version not existing ….
Well if nothing else Fred it’s a good learning curve as I am in and out the m2p headings and getting to know them quite well.
Personally I’m SURE 99% is what I’m putting into the „boxes“ ie the paths of various locations and where I’m putting them.
I just don’t really understand that, or maybe I do and I’m doing it right. After all the different ways and places I have been putting in the paths, surely just be chance I would have cracked it.
At the moment I’m back where I was over 200 hours ago which is;
The pi is on my network hooked up wirelessly now.
And I have a USB a to d amp connected to some headphones
Through the LMS on my iPhone and iPad I can see the m2p server
When I look for music the m2p finds some, but those files are on my PC not the drive that is hooked onto the pi
So almost there but not
I also added that line for the power Fred and I still got the same thing happening with my new USB 2tb HD
But it does not happen to the other HD I have used, how odd is that
So I think my only option is to wait until you have made your video, which would not only a great help for me to see what boxes for your paths you fill in, but I’m sure loads of others around the globe would find it useful too.
I’ve never ever been in a situation where after few minutes my PC can’t see things plugged into it and if it can’t I always know why. This situation is a complete, well just baffling beyond belief
But thanks so much for spending time trying to help me Fred , really appreciate it.
But in the meantime, I’m going to take a break from it, I’m mentally exhausted with it and so frustrated.
Also my old replacement pi arrived from fleabay so I do that that to fall back on.
Would be great if you do manage to do your video to let me know when you have Fred if that isn’t a too bigger ask because this should be working and seeing how you’ve done yours on the video might be the only way I’m going to sort this out.
Once again thanks Fred very much appreciated your help
Alex14. Dezember 2015 at 15:23 #17323Alex, sounds like youâre not having fun, just frustration.
I finished the Videos yesterday and they are below, if you have problems viewing, please get back to me as I am at work and cannot access You Tube to confirm all is good.
Please keep in mind they are unprofessional, dark and have me babbling incoherently throughout BUT I hope they help you enough to get you over this hump.
SoâŠwithout further ado;
Raspberry Pi 2 Setup Video #1
Raspberry Pi 2 Setup Video #2
Raspberry Pi 2 Setup Video #3
Fred in Canada
14. Dezember 2015 at 16:02 #17324Hi Fred
I’m a work too, but luckly I can see utube ! đAnyhow, I watched the first video, so far so good. Then the 2nd one was like a beam of light hitting me full in the face.
But I’m even more confused now, you’ll see read on.You „opened“ SQB server, which looked very like the LMS…
Now my understaning was all these were pre-installed as per the settings/reboot page, this shows several things which I thought were all pre „installed“. Indeed I’m sure it says on the M2P site they are. Hence why I NEVER tried to install themSo I honestly can’t wait to get home and try it.
To confirm all you do, once the M2P is booted and looking at your brill clips you have put on here is after expanding your SD boot card, you DONT write in any boxes, you just install the server, which I hope will find the drive with the music files on it, that which I am having so many problems with.If so, I guess in all honestly thats it..GOD I HOPE SO.
This is great Fred, at least I have another chance to sort this. Not sure if you ever used squeezeplug, but ok the instructions had gaps in them, but at least I got it running in what was a few hours. This has been much harder but with the help you have given, I just hope it gets put to good use and get me sorted. Well it’s not for trying Fred so thanks so much for that.A big thanks fort that too.
I really can’t wait to get back and try this. I have to say I’m still not confident because everything I have done just stops dead for one reason or another.
Indeed I have borrowed another PI and hard drive to see if there was a problem with the Pi,
Ok I am a work but had to look at your video’s and really a big thanks for all your help. Unless I’m dragged away tonight, I’ll let you know how I get on.
Fingers crossed
Thanks FredAlex
14. Dezember 2015 at 16:16 #17326Yes, the first video assumes you have burned your bootable MicroSD card with the image, have Expand the SD-Card AND you have added the „max_usb_current=1“ to the /boot/config.txt
Squeeze Box Server and LMS are the same thing, as I understand it
Yes, I am opening it up, and through it finding my Media and once found, adding my Library of Music to LMS/Squeeze Box Server
Correct you do NOT fill out any of the boxes, those are used for creating a „Share“ of your Library in the future. But for the time being NONE of the boxes in the Max2play interface need to be filled out.
Again, the Video is rough BUT hopefully is enough to get you going.
Again, I can support you on this end if you reach difficulties, Fred in Canada
15. Dezember 2015 at 0:25 #17331Hi Fred
Firstly thanks for all your help
Ok I set the current for the usb’s, no problem
I then entered squeeze server and looked for the latest version, nightly 9
I then tried to install it and it started then stopped and it said
“ LMS version not existing“
I’ve see this before at some point
So I decided to shut down the pi
Replace it with a spare brand new one I have
Connected another drive I formatted the SD card, and expanded It before trying to install squeezebox server again
Got exactly the same problem as before, LMS version not existing “
Plus on the file store mount page I couldn’t see the hard drive I had connected, which I formatted and it had nothing on it at this stage please noteShould it have a directory on it do you know Fred
Like media\music
Where the music is stored
It’s late now and I have an early start so not sure if I will have time tonight to try againI’m just astounded how difficult this is turning out
I’ve never done anything that I have spent so much time on ( and you) and Got no further than I was wow, over 250 hours ago
There has to be something fundamental I’m doing so wrong
So I’ve used two pi’s, 3 hard drives , reloaded countless images, increased the USB current
And God only knows the different things I have written in the boxes under the various headings which by all accounts I don’t need to doAnd I’ve even go a powered hub
I’m more than gobsmacked I can tell you FredI must have done every option and more than I can
But I will give it another go tomorrow night
I think before I retire I might try hooking up my squeezeplug hard drive and see what happens
Maybe the drive needs a directory and music files on itWatch this space
But I really have to thank you Fred for you support
Alex15. Dezember 2015 at 5:23 #17334Now this is getting silly
Here is a link for MY Max2Play 16GB MicroSD Image
You MUST use a 16GB Micros SD Card, download and burn this image on the SD card.
(I use USB Image Tool its free)
Drop the successfully burned SD in the Pi.
Boot up the Pi with USB Drive/Music connected and WITH A MONITOR ATTACHED ensure all boots up OK (if you see a Login Prompt, you’ll know the PI has booted up correctly) this is SO Critical!
Under SETTINGS / REBOOT, Reboot / Update / Filesystem Settings, Select Expand Filesystem
Don’t enter ANY Fields/touch any boxes, just Select Squeezbox Server, Select Open Squeezebox Server Webadministration.
Now the familiar Logitech Media Server Program should pop up, Click Settings bottom left hand corner
Under Basic Settings, Media Folders, Click Browse
Under Media Click USB or USB 0, and you HAVE TO see your Music Folders under this, if NOT I’m at a loss.
Please give it a go and get back to me, Fred
15. Dezember 2015 at 11:11 #17339Morning Fred
I’m feeling dead guilty about the time and effort you are putting in with this but you have (after my late night attack on it last night) have sorted out two issues for me and thats thanks to you.
1. was the LMS, squeezeserver issue (but is still not working but at least I know what I SHOULD be doing and IT should be doing)
2. The increase in Current issue of the USB’s for the Ext HD.The current issue I did what you said to do as soon as you mentioned, a few conversations ago, but like a complete ****head I continued to use my brand new „powered USB“ thinking it would be OK and did’nt at any time plug the ex HD into the pi
So last night I actually plugged the ex HD into my Pi which now works and M2P see’s the drive, so please take note for the future. Seems like this powered hub is bust…
Anyhow, Not worked out why its bust and for the moment I don’t care, but the Pi see’s it now (Oh yes -there is a god) !!!!!!
Tell you what Fred I was starting to honestly question my own sanity I can tell you.
Ok comments below in capitals
On 15/12/2015 03:23, Max2Play wrote:
> Fredly wrote:
> Now this is getting silly
> Here is a link for MY Max2Play 16GB MicroSD Image
> You MUST use a 16GB Micros SD Card, download and burn this image on the SD card.
> (I use USB Image Tool its free)
> Drop the successfully burned SD in the Pi.
> Boot up the Pi with USB Drive/Music connected and WITH A MONITOR ATTACHED ensure all boots up OK (if you see a Login Prompt, you’ll know the PI has booted up correctly) this is SO Critical!OK DONE THIS AND EACH TIME IT DOES AS YOU SAY IT SHOULD, AGAIN I WILL DO THIS TONIGHT
> Under SETTINGS / REBOOT, Reboot / Update / Filesystem Settings, Select Expand FilesystemOK NO PROBLEM, HAVE DONE THIS AND WILL AGAIN
> Don’t enter ANY Fields/touch any boxes, just Select Squeezbox Server, Select Open Squeezebox Server Webadministration.WHEN I HIT „SQUEEZEBOX SERVER“ I DON’T HAVE ANOTHER „BOX“ THAT SAYS “ Open Squeezebox Server Webadministration“.
So is this where I’m falling over.
BUT WOULD BE GOOD TO GET SOME CLARITY ON THIS „Open Squeezebox Server Webadministration“ BIT, IS THERE A TAB OR DO YOU MEAN THE GUI PAGE ITSELF?So I guess I have to stop here as I have never got as far as this in all this time, AS i SAID it’s a wonder I’m still sane
hahahah,But even if you bail out now Fred, you have been really helpful so thanks for sticking with me, I really appreciated it
Will let you know what happens on the next installment of „The Pi saga“….Alex
> Now the familiar Logitech Media Server Program should pop up, Click Settings bottom left hand corner
> Under Basic Settings, Media Folders, Click Browse
> Under Media Click USB or USB 0, and you HAVE TO see your Music Folders under this, if NOT I’m at a loss.
> Please give it a go and get back to me, Fred
> Post Link: Dezember 2015 at 17:13 #17342Hi Fred
I can see my problem here
If you go to 4:38 in the video it shows you the
Open Squeezebox server Web admin tab you mentioned.I have made so many M2P images and not one has shown this…How come is this an add-on ??????
So I really need to copy yours and see if it’s different to mine.
God can you beleive that. So again thanks to you Fred I would have just given up…So we are getting closer, I can feel it in my bones, hahahah
Alex15. Dezember 2015 at 17:21 #17343Wow, not sure what image/where you got it from but, ya, you DO need to have the Squeezebox Server Web Admin tab, otherwise you ain’t going anywhere fast.
In hind site I should have zipped my 16GB image I posted so it was smaller BUT hopefully you can grab the image from work, copy to a USB stick/your PC and bring home to give it a go.
And YES, no powered hubs etc, just Ethernet, Power and USB Drive connected directly to the Pi 2.
I think you/we are getting closer, good luck!
15. Dezember 2015 at 17:43 #17344Hey thanks fred.
I will give it a go tonight if I can keep awake as I was at it till 1:30am this morning when I hit the sack and right now I’m knackered !
But I really really would like to get to the bottom of this, so I’ll try and last out.
Anyhow, thanks for your support, without it I’d be still looking for something that for me was’nt there in the first place !!!
I really appreciate it. So If I do go quiet for a day or so you’ll know why but I promise I’ll get back to you.
15. Dezember 2015 at 17:58 #17348Hi Fred
I have just tried downloading your image and it’s not letting me as it says it too large.
But not to worry as I’m 100% sure I should be able to get it from the M2P site and at least I know what it should look likeI can’t see theirs been wrong. Maybe if a moderator is reading these maybe they can point me in the right direction for the most up to date image
Anyhow as I mentiond, I’ll let you know what happens
Thanks again
Alex15. Dezember 2015 at 18:07 #17350This the one I used;
Do NOT update to the latest LMS first time round, get it working first (seeing your USB) then update later once all is good
…and remember to add the line in the config for the USB Power, otherwise you’ll be back to square one.
…and Promise to plug a Monitor during boot, to ensure the card and Pi are good to go before proceeding.
Good luck!
15. Dezember 2015 at 22:26 #17353Hi Fred
I couldn’t resist having a go
But sadly the tab is still missingThat said I saw two files when it completed its download one was the M2P and the other hifiberry
I am using a USB Dac so I would have thought this missing tab should be there just downloading the standard image
It’s so very veey weird as it seems everything else seems to be there
Have to say this really is becoming the most challenging and odd bit of software installation I’ve ever experienced
Anyhow I’m going to reformat this agsin ( I’m getting really good at that ) and I will have another go tomorrow
I’m so close I’m sure I am
God it’s frustrating
Hahaha ah well
Watch this space
Thanks again Fred
Alex15. Dezember 2015 at 22:54 #17354Hi Fred
I feel I have taken too much of your time and I think I will take the failure way out and buy a pre loaded image from here
Surely that will work
But thanks for sticking with me, I really appreciate your help you have given and I can’t expect you to put any more time in this
So thanks again and I hope you have great Christmas and best wishes for the new year
If I ever do find out what the problem is, I’ll pop it on this forum with a hope it will help someone
Thanks again really appreciate it
Alex16. Dezember 2015 at 0:45 #17355Ya Alex, I did the initial install 3 months ago, so I missed a step.
After the initial boot you need to install Squeezebox Server.
Select Hifiberry, Advanced, Select his Setup.
I had included this instruction in my original post
Install Squeezebox Server
If you like, you can install Squeezebox Server. Squeezebox Server is one of the best Media-Servers you can get. Choose the Menu â SQUEEZEBOX SERVER â and you will find all you need to get Squeezebox Server installed. Please remember, that it will take a while, till the Squeezebox Server webinterface is reachable after the installation. After the installation has finished, you can access the Squeezebox Server web interface by choosing âStart Squeezebox Server Webadministrationâ. One of the first things you have to configure here is the path to your media files. Please choose the path depending on the settings in the earlier steps. Squeezebox Server stands for: Logitech Media Server, SlimServer, SqueezeCenter and Squeezebox Server.
16. Dezember 2015 at 9:49 #17356Hi Fred
Thanks for your help once again and its obviously this which has been the issue. Well and the hard drive !
So you have given me the info I need and without this info I would have still been struggling, so big thanks for that.
So I will give it another go but not not tonight as I’m out partying…And I think I really need a break from it as my heads caving in with all the hassle this has been. But fingers crossed, I hope I will be playing my christmas carols on it in a few days time, here’s hoping and thanks again Fred and best wishes for the big day
Alex16. Dezember 2015 at 9:57 #17357Just one thing Fred
I’m sure i have tried this countless times, that being installing the SB server just here’m sure Im loosing the plot with this but is this the page !!! I know it is and I’m sure I’m doing the right thing but I’d feel better if you can confirm for me please
When I get onto this page I press the show versions then install.But when I do I get a message every time saying “ LMS version not existing“ so I think I’m doing the right thing but getting no joy
Anyhow would be good if you can just tell me if I am before I go completly insane. Thanks Fred. Alex16. Dezember 2015 at 16:19 #17368Now Iâm getting confused Alex.
The first problem is our time shift, Iâm at work answering your questions, so I donât have the ability to test/confirm and do screen shots of max2play (for the most part Iâm doing everything from memory, 3+ months ago)
I also think that the installation procedures AND options have changed, since I originally installed Max2play.
Be that as it may, when I did a âvirginâ install/downloaded the image from the Max2play site, I was confronted by a screen like this (which is a lot different than the one in your message above)
I then went to the âHIFIBERRYâ tab and Selected âAdvancedâ.
THIS is how I got the âSqueezebox Serverâ tab initially.
Once installed, I used the âSqueezebox Server â Tab to install Squeezebox, so am not sure why you are experiencing issues IF you did everything from scratch.
Again, the steps I used may have changed with the install and features available now.
Listen, I have one more day of work (Thur Dec 17th), then I am off for 2 weeksâ Vacation, at that point in time I will be able to give you more accurate info AND be able to do a virgin install myself to support you.
I can also try re-posting MY Image on my Google Drive, but this time Zipping it BEFORE I post, so you can download.
I have never used it, but do you have an IPAD with the Facetime App available? Perhaps it makes sense to cut down our typing and try to do a quick meeting online, to go through the steps together. Just a thought.
Iâm determined to help you as this should be very easy.
16. Dezember 2015 at 18:22 #17377Hi Fred
My god you’re one hell of a guy, thanks so much for all you have done. Really kind of you.I did send an email to M2P asking if I bought one of their SD cards would this do the job and Maximilian from Max2play kindly replied and said I would only get the same thing from them.
But he’s read our thread and he’s kindly offered a few suggestions too so as I’m at work (just leaving (yeeeeee) (and you’re right about the timeshift) I hope to give it a go when I get home plus what with your input and suggestions, surely i HAVE got to get it sorted..
So I’m trying to be positve but it’s tough at the moment. But I still have hope and confidence and again thanks for all you have done and even willing to do, what is just, well really very kind.
Ok it’s very foggy and very damp here and the rush hour traffic is increasing so I better be on my way as it’s 16:20 local time. Plus the sooner I leave the sooner I can have another go at this.
I have a feeling the wife likes the Pi as it has kept me out of her way for quite a bit
AlexVacation should be
16. Dezember 2015 at 18:34 #17379Alex, give it a quick go, but if things aren’t working almost right away, perhaps best to walk away from it for a while and have a beer or three.
As the Holiday Season approaches, I have a few day/evening commitments BUT will do my best to check the forum from time to time and see where your at.
Here’s hoping your playing tunes on your Pi 2 soon!
(PS: I have NOT used a USB DAC YET, I have used both the Hifiberry DAC+ and Digi+, BUT plan to try hooking up my USB DAC soon)
Cheers Fred
16. Dezember 2015 at 20:57 #17380Alex, I found it!
The original web page that helped ME set everything up a few months back (That I made my notes based on), without it, I would have been very confused, perhaps it will help you.
Again follow the directions to a tee!
…and dont forget the USB current thingy in the config.txt.
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