Reply To: Rpi2 + Amp+ +M2P – no sound

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Rpi2 + Amp+ +M2P – no sound Reply To: Rpi2 + Amp+ +M2P – no sound

15. Dezember 2016 at 17:08 #24904

Then issue has to be either with the Squeezelite player if you can really still produce sound output via MPD. Again, please make sure that MPD is not still running, if you remove it from your menu without shutting it down first, it might still be running in the background.

Also, here are some wiki articles that might help you:

Optimizing Squeezelite’s Volume Control

Power Supply as a Source of Error

Audioplayer Squeezelite, Shairport

Starter Guide