which M2P image for RPi 3 model B?

Max2Play Home Forums General Questions on Hardware and Max2Play Versions which M2P image for RPi 3 model B?

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  • 21. Juni 2016 at 5:04 #20775


    I just want to run my Pi as a LMS server and not a player. The player will be my Squeezebox touch and I only want to use MP2 to control the LMS runnin gon the Pi from my laptop and phone.

    The version of M2P that I downloaded and burnt to my 8gb SD card was the first one on this page https://www.max2play.com/en/max2play-image/

    This is the non-lite version. But it won’t detect M2P on my network. I figure this is because it is only for the RPi 1 and 2.

    Should I download the Jesse lite version (231). Is there a ‚full version‘ that will work on the Pi 3B?


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by chopinhauer.
    21. Juni 2016 at 11:56 #20786

    Hi chopinhauer,
    Sorry for the confusion. The second image is in fact just based on the Jessie lite Raspbian operating system. It is the full Max2Play image for the Raspberry Pi 3. All normal features are available, including the installer for the LMS you will find under the menu „Squeezebox Server“.

    22. Juni 2016 at 6:28 #20812

    Thanks Heiner.

    I did download and install the 231 image and all is running well.

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