I’ve been researching the idea of using a Raspberry Pi and Max2Play with a soundcard that can handle 24bit 192kHz flac, and it seems like the perfect solution to upgrading my Squeezebox Classic. I run LMS on my QNAP Nas, also with a couple of Squeezebox Radios through the the house.
However one thing I’m worried about is that LogitechMediaServer will automatically downsample audio based on what player it is sending the audio to. E.g. Down to 24bit 48kHz to the Squeezebox Radio, and 16bit 44.1kHz to the Squeezebox classic. Can LMS on a NAS be set to not downsample the audio sent to a Raspberry Pi running Max2Play?
Squeezelite can play all audioformats. Also 192kHz flac files, too. Sometimes something has to be changed in the Squeezebox Server under lms settings – player – audio.
You can check which format is played. In the DEBUG Information at the menu of the player (here squeezelite). You can find it here: