Power Button extension to start and safely shutdown the Raspberry PI

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  • 26. März 2018 at 18:18 #34763

    This thread is for questions and ideas about the new Power Button Plugin – coming soon!

    27. März 2018 at 16:55 #34820

    Thanks to el84 for sharing his great Plugin! We put together a site for it where you can download the hosted Plugin file or copy the download URL for direct installation on your Max2Play device. Here’s the link

    If you prefer German, el84 can also answer you accordingly 😉
    Hier noch der Link für die deutsche Seite zum Plugin

    14. April 2018 at 13:21 #35180

    Looking at the schematic it has a switch that is „Always on“ and the other side „Auto“ What is this for? Were the the „Auto side connect to?

    -Raymond Day

    14. April 2018 at 20:37 #35184

    In the „Always on“ position the switch keeps the capacitor charged all the time, meaning the Raspberry Pi will always be switched on. Pressing the On/Off button will have no effect. In „Auto“ position, the switch has no effect, and the On/Off button allows to start and shutdown the Pi. The „Always On“ position is helpful if the powerbutton plugin is not running, e.g. while you reinstall the OS on your Pi. In normal operation, set the switch to „Auto“.

    15. April 2018 at 8:01 #35186

    O so if you have it on „Auto“ then it’s just like normal then right? So it turns off the the shutdown button right?

    But were does the „auto“ wire goes. Were do you put that wire. It just ends nothing is there on the schematic.

    All so is the On/Off button stays on just a little time or does it stay on or off. So if you press the button does it keep the a continuation or not? So what type button is it. So is if a Momentary or toggle switch? The schematic just says On/Off so hard to know. I guess that means it is a toggle switch.

    -Raymond Day

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Raymond Day.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Raymond Day.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Raymond Day.
    22. Mai 2018 at 7:52 #35797

    Congratulations for your plugin.
    But where can i buy the circuit and the components?
    Is there a kit?
    thank you very much

    22. Mai 2018 at 12:13 #35799

    This one works good ATXRaspi You should get it with the button too. It lights up to show you what it’s doing. You can hold it down to reboot of just press it to turn off. Have to install a little script to do it.

    I even edit the code some to change what GPIO pin it uses and it works.

    -Raymond Day

    22. Mai 2018 at 12:54 #35800

    Thank you for your reply.
    The problem is that i have a Justboom sound card, powered by 12v.
    And it’s the sound card that powers the raspberry.
    So i have a big problem 😉

    23. Mai 2018 at 23:32 #35844

    Unfortunately I have no kit or pre-built device. You have to build/solder it yourself. The parts are standard components, it should not be a problem to get them.
    But this power button plugin could be what you need: I have designed it to work with 5V so that it acts as a switch between the power supply and the PI.
    What should (I did not try it and I therefore do not guarantee it :-)) work for you is:
    Replace the 5V relay by a 12V relay, use a 25V capacitor for C1. Now the entire cicuit should work with 12V.
    In your case the setup then would be: 12V power supply => Power button => Justboom DAC => PI.
    The only thing to keep in mind is that the PI only supports 3.3V at its GPIO PINs. D2 and T3 are there to keep away higher voltage from the PI. So the 12V should not show up there (like the 5V do not show up).
    I hope this helps…

    22. Mai 2019 at 10:39 #45471

    many thanks to el84 for sharing this circuit with us. Unfortunately the schematics is a bit blurred on the HP and I am not sure about some components. Just to be on the safe side: the transistors are BC338 and 546 and R1 is 33k ? For the I/O control do I really set the GPIO pin and not the respective port ? (as they are not the same)

    Also helpful would be the HW settings for the 2 GPIOs (pullup resistors, max. current, etc.)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by wg035164.
    27. Mai 2019 at 22:07 #45493

    Yes, transistors are BC338 (driving the relay) and 546 (other). 33k is fine. You can simply install the plugin on your system, also if you have not connected any hardware yet. The actions of the plugin should have no effect then. On the plugin page, there is also an enlarged version of the schematic.
    Pin numbering is the pin number on the 40 pin GPIO connector.
    Button pin is set as input with internal pull-up resistor, ready pin as output.

    9. Juli 2019 at 3:46 #46208

    Great plugin. AFAICS you can also use it with just a button without all the rest of the circuitry, to safely shutdown the Raspberry pi (it will end up in a low power sleep mode rather than being completely off). If you use GPIO3 (pin 5) for this, you can even power it on again with the same button.

    However, I noticed this plugin uses a bash script and wiringpi to read the button. It might be possible to simplify this using dtoverlays. See [url=https://www.stderr.nl/Blog/Hardware/RaspberryPi/PowerButton.html]this post[/url] I wrote about this a while back. The post is only about letting the kernel handle the shutdown pin, but I believe there is also a gpio-poweroff overlay that handles toggling a pin on shutdown (though the [url=https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/blob/master/boot/overlays/README]docs[/url] suggest it might be tricky when the pin must be low to poweroff).

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