[SOLVED] Pluging a USB Asynchronous DAC NAD D1050 on a RP3 using Max2Play

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI [SOLVED] Pluging a USB Asynchronous DAC NAD D1050 on a RP3 using Max2Play

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  • 29. Januar 2017 at 15:07 #26385

    Hi all,

    I have a Raspberry Pi 3 with Max2Play on it and it’s plugged on a DAC NAD D1050 through a usb cable (the D1050 has a USB asynchronous input)
    On the RP’s seetings page , When I go to AudioPlayer>SoundCard I can see the DAC with the name „NAD USB Audio 2.0“.
    I wanted to know which pilot is used to make the RP3 and the NAD communicate ?
    Is it a generic pilot ? Is there a way to install the NAD Pilot ? Will it help having a better sound quality ?
    Plus, I can choose between a lot of different options in the soundcard list (see image attached)
    which one should I use to have the best and purest sound quality (without any treatment from the software) ?

    Thanks for you help

    Soundcard List Option :
    Soundcard List

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by julandco. Reason: Link for soundcard list
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by julandco. Reason: Soundcard Link still not working
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by julandco. Reason: Mise en page
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Mbydeen.
    1. Februar 2017 at 15:51 #26535

    Hello julandco,

    With all the sounds cards that we offer along with RPIs, we recommend our customers to choose the second option, which is Sysdefault to get the highest quality.

    You could also connect the volume control for Squeezelite directly to your sound card by adding -o hw:0 -V Digital to the command line options of Squeezelite in its Advanced Settings menu you find in the Audioplayer tab.

    for more information, please have a look at this link:



    1. Februar 2017 at 21:05 #26550


    Thanks for your answer. Small question so that I understand clearly.
    If I use the sysdefaut option, is there any sound treatment ? Because the „hw“ option says that there is no conversation. So what’s the difference is the sound treatment between those 2 options ?

    I have had already seen this possibility to connect the volume control for Squeezelite directly to my sound card but I don’t want to use it : to me, the best sound quality is achieved if I leave the squeezelite volume to 100 and, then I control the speakers volume through my HIFI amplifier. But never let any „minimized“ sound go to the DAC or the HIFI amplifier. That’s why I don’t need my DAC to control the squeezelite’s volume.
    (As a remember, my installation is RP3 with M2Play&Squeezelite>USB port>USB Cable>DAC NAD D1050 (through USB Asynchronous port)>QED Reference Analogic cable>Marantz PM14S1 SE Hifi Amplifier>Focal Aria 906 Speakers)


    15. Februar 2017 at 15:39 #26941

    Dear julandco,

    the Sysdefault option and HW option are the same, it is just the naming of the Card – technically it will be the same, the Options are printed by squeezelite and they are different on different systems.

    Mohammad Mbydeen

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Mbydeen.
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