Napster is gone on my Logitech Media Server

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  • 1. März 2019 at 12:31 #44588

    Just realized today that Napster seems to be gone on my Raspi Logitech Media Server. Used to work since I bought the Raspi last March 2018.
    The interface shows the local music collection and radio stations only.
    On the squeezebox devices it wants to connect to when I select the Napster app. Same if I want to browse the plugin galerie. So I could not even switch to e.g. Spotify.

    1. März 2019 at 15:14 #44591

    I’m not sure I understand this correctly. Your menu has been reduced to exclude all plugins except tunein radio?

    Have you rebooted the device yet? Also, does your health checker indicate an active internet connection (in Settings/Reboot)?

    There seem to be two Napster plugin entries on now. Have you tried adding the other one yet? The description seems to be the same.

    1. März 2019 at 18:03 #44595

    I am running several sqeezebox radios. They do all connect to the LMS on the Raspi. Until recently, Napster did work in this environment. Today the Squeezebox asked me to switch to the server when I tried to start Napster. Also, in the webinterface of the LMS I see only links to my music collection and to the radio stations, but no plugin´s or „own applications“. Internet is working – the radio streams work nicely on all Squeezebox radios that are connnected.
    I did reboot te Raspi as well as the Sqeezebox radio.
    Regarding your final question – how would I add the Napster app to my Raspi LMS?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by ggabriel.
    2. März 2019 at 8:14 #44602

    Hi Gabriel

    It seams that Napster has change protocol so the it doesn’t work anymore. You can read more about it here and follow the tread:

    Click Here


    2. März 2019 at 11:48 #44605

    Hmm – this would be really sad. I love my Squeezeboxes. Out of curioity – would there be any other music streaming service I could make work with the Logitech Media Server? Spotify?

    2. März 2019 at 20:51 #44612

    I think I found a solution: The plugin Spotty for Spotify plus a Spotify Premium account. Super easy to install and runs synchronyously on all of my Squeezebox devices (touch and radio).

    4. März 2019 at 12:44 #44635

    Hi ggabriel,

    Sad to hear about Napster. We will inquire what the future may look like for this service.

    Spotty is indeed a great alternative. The plugin is in active development by mherger from the slimdevices forums.

    New features like Connect and Family Account login are supported and maintained.

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