Max2Play Home › Forums › Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) › M2P v2.51 and LMS 7.9 with Spotty skips tracks uncommanded
- This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by
alex005 premium.
26. November 2019 at 22:08 #47605
Dear Heiner / M2P Community,
I recently upgraded each of my RPi 3B+ devices to M2P v2.51 and added a further new RPi 3B+ M2P device. Since doing this a frustrating problem has come up when using the Spotty (v3.1.0) plugin from M.Herger. The issue is that when I play an album or playlist (either through web-interface or Orange Squeeze app) in Spotty, it skips to the next track after 2-4s of play, uncommanded. If I actively command to skip track, it skips 2 tracks with 2-4s of play in-between, and sometimes it skips 3 tracks if all 3 of my players are active in the network. Sound is lost intermittently, until the system stabilizes.
My set-up is currently:
„KitchenPi“ – RPi3B+ with IQAudio Digi-AMP+
Player Model: SqueezeLite
Player Type: squeezelite
Firmware: Max2Play v1.0.3 based on v1.8.7-999
Player IP Address: AUDIOPLAYER CONFIG ####
### Configuration of Audioplayers
SQUEEZELITE_PARAMETER=-o sysdefault:CARD=IQaudIODAC -a 80:4:: -o hw:CARD=IQaudIODAC -V Digital -Q
SHAIRPORT_PARAMETER=-d sysdefault:CARD=IQaudIODAC -t hardware -m hw:CARD=IQaudIODAC -c Digital
YMPD_PARAMETER=–webport 8081
MULTISQUEEZE_PARAMETER_0=-o sysdefault:CARD=IQaudIODAC -a 80:4::„LivingRoomPi“ – RPi3B+ with IQAudio DAC-Pro (hosting LMS 7.9.1)
Player Model: SqueezeLite
Player Type: squeezelite
Firmware: Max2Play v1.0.3 based on v1.8.7-999
Player IP Address: AUDIOPLAYER CONFIG ####
### Configuration of Audioplayers
SQUEEZELITE_PARAMETER=-o sysdefault:CARD=IQaudIODAC -a 80:4:: -C 5
YMPD_PARAMETER=–webport 8081
BLUEALSA_PLAY_AUDIOCARD=hw:0,0„Officepi“ – – RPi3B+ with IQAudio Digi-AMP+
Player Model: SqueezeLite
Player Type: squeezelite
Firmware: Max2Play v1.0.3 based on v1.8.7-999
Player IP Address: AUDIOPLAYER CONFIG ####
### Configuration of Audioplayers
SQUEEZELITE_PARAMETER=-o sysdefault:CARD=IQaudIODAC -a 80:4:: -o hw:CARD=IQaudIODAC -V Digital -Q
SHAIRPORT_PARAMETER=-d sysdefault:CARD=IQaudIODAC -t hardware -m hw:CARD=IQaudIODAC -c Digital
YMPD_PARAMETER=–webport 8081Logitech Media Server Status
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.1 – 1522157629 @ Fri Mar 30 12:27:11 CEST 2018
Hostname: LivingRoomPi
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian – EN – utf8
Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
Perl Version: 5.24.1 – arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 0.95
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 3****
The issue first occurred when I moved to LMS Nightly 7.9 (7.9.2~1574315728_arm.deb)“on top“ of LMS 7.9.1. I have since formatted that SD, re-downloaded M2P 2.49 image, upgraded to 2.51, and re-applied all settings – and moved back to LMS 7.9.1. Still the same problem.
If I disable each RPi3 except the LMS host, there is no issue. It’s almost like each player is repeating the Spotty command to play track or skip track. I have tried playing around with the LMS Server Spotty Connect „end point“ settings to no avail (i’m not 100% what „should“ be set here, fyi).
The LMS server.log output doesn’t offer me any clues, so I’m stuck. Please can you assist?
27. November 2019 at 12:58 #47606Hi Bow,
You can check whether the Connect feature is a part of the issue by removing Connect functionality for all your players in the Spotty settings and trying to recreate the issue.
I would also recommend you post this issue to the slimdevices thread on Spotty as well, in case it is a general bug (forum link).
16. Januar 2020 at 22:25 #47936For me this was causing the same issue and what was described solved it
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