Can't start when nas access is configured

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  • 3. November 2017 at 15:08 #32281

    Hi all,
    I’m running max2play on RasPi 2b with brand new 16Go SD card Class 10
    Writing the image, starting, configuring some basic features, everything works
    But when I mount a NAS access, nothing works anymore.

    I’ve mounted
    /NAS/music on /mnt/music smb user=max2play,password=max2play
    it looks fine and I see user connected on the NAS side.

    but when I reboot, I saw an error for mounting /mnt/music
    the RasPi goes to Maintenance mode without network and no service started

    The only way I found to restart is rewriting the image on the SD card…
    Is there a smart solution to restart the max2play, probably removing my mounting /NAS/music
    but I don’t know where it is ?

    Thanks for your help

    6. November 2017 at 12:50 #32304

    Hi paud,

    Did you configure the mount of your NAS in our Filesystem/Mount menu? If so, you should be able to remove any mountpoints in there with a button.

    The behaviour you described should not occur with a usual mount. Please check what files and folders are in your mountpoint and whether there might be some special rights or files in there.

    Please also try mounting a share that only has a few simple files to rule out the possibility of the share’s contents as the source of error.

    20. November 2017 at 14:23 #32548

    Just to share my experience here as well, I encountered this issues, too. I had a spelling mistake within the share details, the Pi wasn´t able to resolve the source name, I put in the IP address instead – works.

    23. November 2017 at 17:32 #32599

    Hi Willy,

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

    23. November 2017 at 23:01 #32611

    Hello paud,

    maybe one more test could be to try to mount the share from another computer with exactly the same values you used on the Raspi.


    25. November 2017 at 12:45 #32629

    Hi all,
    thank you for these suggestions but..
    I have tested with an IP address instead of name
    I have tested from another computer with same IP adresse/user/password without any issue

    but still the same 🙁
    after reboot the RaspPi starts in „emergency mode“ without IP connexion available, the only way to change something is plugin screen&keyboard…
    The real issue is that I don’t know where is configured the mounting of external and the only way I know is to rewrite a new image on my SD card…
    Can you help me to save time saying which file I have to delete or in which fil e I have to delete lines ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by paud35.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by paud35.
    25. November 2017 at 20:14 #32634

    Hello paud,

    okay I try to give you a short overview:
    List current mounts: mount -l
    Have a look into the automount configuration file fstab: cat /etc/fstab (you should find the M2P mount at the end of the output)
    Add a comment sign # to the line and save it (use the command: sudo nano /etc/fstab to edit the file).
    Afterwards reboot and try to mount the share manually to see if you get any errors.
    sudo mount <last line of fstab>


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
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