[SOLVED] Cannot activate plugin on Squeezebox

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) [SOLVED] Cannot activate plugin on Squeezebox

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  • 17. Juli 2017 at 23:19 #29938

    I have a Nas QNAP running with SSOTS and Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.1 – 1499764307.
    Now that Spotyfi have disable the official plugin, I need to find another way, and it is not a SONOS.

    I can uncheck the official spotify plugin, I can check Triode plugin, as mention in How to, but after a restart it is not active.

    In Serverlog I find this:

    Slim::Utils::PluginDownloader::extract (102) error loading Archive::Zip Compress::Raw::Zlib object version 2.021 does not match bootstrap parameter 2.033 at /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/CPAN/arch/5.10/Compress/Raw/Zlib.pm line 98.
    0016: [17-07-17 23:15:56.0471] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server (v7.9.1, 1499764307, Tue Jul 11 09:21:38 UTC 2017) perl 5.010000 - armv5tel-linux-thread-multi

    I have tried to change according to this post but still no luck.

    Anyone that have an idea of how to come around that problem?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by itrampe.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by itrampe.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Heiner.
    18. Juli 2017 at 16:20 #29954

    Solved using another post

    20. Juli 2017 at 14:07 #30012

    Thanks for the quick update 🙂

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