Streaming from Amazon Echo to Squeezebox server stops after about 3 minutes

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons Streaming from Amazon Echo to Squeezebox server stops after about 3 minutes

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  • 19. November 2017 at 1:48 #32526

    I installed the Squeezebox server and the Bluetooth plugin. There is the problem that streaming music from Amazon Echo to Squeezebox server stops after about 3 minutes. After disconnecting and reconnecting Amazon Echo it works again for some time, but then it stops again.

    Streaming music via BT from iPhone 6+ to Squeezebox works without problems.

    Is this a known problem?

    Thanks and regards


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by hanoba.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by hanoba.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by hanoba.
    21. November 2017 at 17:55 #32571

    Hi Harald,

    Thank you for sharing. No, this is not a known issue. Do the phone and the Echo have the same distance from the Pi?

    Please try disabling Bluetooth on the phone when trying the Echo.

    21. November 2017 at 23:01 #32579

    Hi Heiner,

    Thanks a lot for your answer.

    Regarding your question: The phone was closer to the Pi than the Echo!

    Meanwhile I made more tests:
    – I noticed that also streaming from the phonestopped after about 20 minutes
    – I reduced the distance between Echo and Pi to 40cm. In this case the streaming stopped only after ~20 minutes
    – I streamed my Amazon Echo via BT to an Ubuntu server (3m distance) with a loop from BT input loop to HDMI audio output. Everything was stable for several hours!
    – Yesterday, I tried the M2P beta SW 171115. The streaming worked for 1.5 hours! When I checked again after 2.5 hours the streaming was stopped. The BT connection was still active. After disconnecting/connecting BT the streaming worked again.

    My assumption is that there is a bug in the M2P BT plugin! Whenever there is a short BT connection problem (which can always happen due to WiFi/BT interference) then the plugin stops working. The problem seems to be improved in the beta SW, but it is not completely solved.

    Did you test your BT plugin in your lab with Amazon Echo running for several hours with a Wifi interference from neighboring access points?

    Thanks and regards


    21. November 2017 at 23:08 #32580

    One additional comment: In the thread several other people reported problems when streaming from Echo to RPI!

    26. November 2017 at 1:19 #32640

    Update: In new tests I made today with the the M2P beta SW 171115 (which once worked for 1.5h), the playback stopped already after about 20 minutes. After disconnecting/connecting BT and pressing stop/start the playback worked again.

    Conditions were as before:
    – distance between Echo and Pi to 40cm
    – Pi WLAN off (using ethernet cable)

    28. November 2017 at 14:32 #32671

    Hi Harald,

    Thanks for the continued updates. Could you share the debug info of your BT plugin when the dropout occurs?

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