Max2Play Home › Forums › Max2Play Add-ons › Adafruit 3,5 inch touchscreen does not work
- This topic has 15 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
Heiner premium.
Posted in: Max2Play Add-ons
10. April 2019 at 14:42 #45006
I have bought an adafruit 3.5 touch display „PiTFT Plus with 480 x 320 resolution in the assumption that it would work with max2play.
In my case it doesn’t and I hope this is due to some simple omission on my part …
I have a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B with no additional boards attached and I am using a max2play image freshly downloaded from the website.When I start the Pi the display goes white, so it seems to work in principle. I then install the plug-in for the touch-display, select the 3,5 adafruit display and let the installer run. After a few minutes I restart when told to do so.
The Pi comes up and the screen now turns black, does not show a picture, however. The Pi itself seems to be working fine – I can access ist from the web-interface without any issues.
I played around with the installation of Jivelite and tried various things, but no luck …What seems a bit strange to me: Even though the installation of the display runs through, I do not get the screen „Basic settings“ on the display plugin and there still remains the prompt to install the 2.8 Inch Watterott display without any acknowledgement of my adafruit screen.
Any ideas, anyone? Some help would be greatly appreciated.
This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
10. April 2019 at 15:28 #45008Addendum: I have just compared the RPi Display Screen of my adafruit Pi with the screen on my existing an running 7″ display Pi.
The problem seems to be that the plugin simply does not install: I never get the info „display is installed“ on the plugin screen.
Hopefully this makes things easier …10. April 2019 at 22:08 #45015One more thing: I fiddled around a bit more and installed the screen following this instruction
The screen is obviously OK, the console shows up and the LEDs show a reaction to touch input. But I am not able to get thes screen to work with the max2play OS – specifically for a Squeezebox installation using jivelite.
Any ideas, anyone …?15. April 2019 at 11:00 #45050Hello elmarhe,
Thank you for sharing and sorry about the late reply.
We will look into this and see if we can find a fix for the installer.
18. April 2019 at 14:57 #45074Hello!
I have a kuman 3.5″ display that i’ve gotten working with the following using LCD-show, perhaps give this a try and see if it works.
git clone
chmod -R 755 LCD-show
cd LCD-show/
sudo ./LCD35-showIf that is not working still, check /boot/config.txt and ensure there is dtoverlay=tft35a or similar.
18. April 2019 at 18:42 #45077Thanks Koto!
I will try your method for another similar display that I still have lying around – I would love to get that to work as well! In about two weeks I can begin to experiment with that.
For the adafruit, however, I would like to wait for Heiner’s input since it would be so much easier if I could simply use it through the max2play interface.
28. April 2019 at 12:18 #45163Hi!
It’s been a while and in the meantime I have played around a bit.I don’t know if this is of any use for anybody, but anyway:
On top of the max2play installation I followed adafruit’s „easy Install“ instructions for their screen (according to this link).
With this the screen basically works: It shows the Jivelite interface, the touchscreen works and everything functions mostly as expected. The only problem was that I could not get the screen resolution to a correct value – it was either too big or too small, but that seemed like a minor problem for someone who knows what he is doing …
Anyway: I would love to get a working solution (plugin) for this, because I have to keep my car’s dashboard in a half-disassembled state until I can fit my functioning Pi in its place.-
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
30. April 2019 at 14:30 #45184Hello elmarhe,
We are working on it but cannot give you any direct info on when it will be fixed. The issue is not a minor problem since adafruit changed their whole integration and we need to make sure this does not break anything with our other plugins, scripts, structures and integrations.
30. April 2019 at 15:14 #45190OK, thanks for the info!
There is no real hurry for me anymore: I have gotten the screen to work (sort of …) using adafruit’s instructions.
The screen layout I can achieve is really ugly, though, so your plugin will still be very welcome when it arrives!But at least I can go about reassembling my car in the meantime 🙂
2. Mai 2019 at 14:38 #45211Hello elmarhe,
Unfortunately, we were not able to recreate any error with the adafruit installation scripts. Both 2.8 and 3.5 worked and ran through. Could you paste any error messages and detail the faulty behaviour? Might it be connected to Jivelite’s skin?
2. Mai 2019 at 16:02 #45213Hello Heiner,
that’s strange …
I do not get any error messages – the script seems to run in max2play exactly the same way that it does if I do it manually. The only difference is, that in m2p I do not get to choose screen orientation and resolution, but that may be on purpose from your part.
But then, after the installation seems finished I do not get any sign that the screen is working. E.g. no Max2Play desktop and no change to the display tab. The Pi (or Pis, since I tried more than one) do not show any difference to the display tab either, so there is no sign of a screen present. This happens before I even start to do anything with Jivelite.I do not really see where I could have gone wrong – I followed basically the same steps as with the 2.8 Watterott display and there it worked. More irritating: The manual install works fine, I just cannot seem to find a truly fitting Jivelite resolution.
Do you have any more ideas? Does it make sense to send you a copy of my SD-card?
3. Mai 2019 at 16:51 #45247Further reports – for whatever it is worth …
– Downloaded the Jessie image from adafruit: The display works flawlessly
– Downloaded fresh M2P-image. Installed the Touch-Display Plugin (Link): Nothing.
– Installed the display again, as in the instructions for older kernels: Still nothing.
– Configured Jivelite, updated it to the newest version: The screen blinks momentarily but stays black.
– Installed VNC and accessed the Pi remotely: I see Jivelite and can configure it on my PC. On the Pi, though: Nothing.What else could there be to do?
2 hours later: I now use the m2p image with the adafruit installed manually (not via m2p). This way the screen works as expected and since I found a way to adjust the screen via VNC I now have a system that functions to my satisfaction.
Strange though, what is going on with the plugin here …I now consider the problem solved and I will put the Pi in it’s intended space in my car now.
6. Mai 2019 at 11:29 #45270Thanks for following up, could you tell us what skin and resolution you chose for screen now that it works?
6. Mai 2019 at 11:51 #45275Sorry, I can no longer easily do that: The Pi is built in by now and I can only access it via touchscreen.
But via VNC it is really easy to just click through all the available resolutions in Jivelite. I simply did that and was surprised to see one of them working perfectly – I did not pay attention which one it was. Sorry.
I remember, though, that it was way higher than the screen’s nominal resolution.29. August 2019 at 9:58 #46910I have exactly the same problem as Elmarhe did before. I can’t find a correctly skin with 480X320 resolution for my 3.5″.
Know anybody a solution?Thanks in advance.
Ich habe genau das gleiche Situation wie Elmarhe vorher. Ich finde keine passende Skin mit Auflösung 480X320 für meinen 3,5″.
Gibst da eine Lösung?Danke im Voraus.
2. September 2019 at 9:33 #46955Hi buba,
Does the screen display the contents correctly, did you use the RPi-Display plugin to install it?
This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
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