[Solved] 2.8" Touchscreen on Odroid C1 doesn't work

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on ODROID U3/C1 [Solved] 2.8" Touchscreen on Odroid C1 doesn't work

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  • 4. März 2016 at 17:48 #19118


    I installed Max2Play Premium on my C1 card with the small touchscreen.
    Everything is fully functionnal : squeezelite, vnc server, JiveLite on VNC but i don’t have anything on my touchscreen, it’s always blank (or full white).

    I missed something to setup ?

    Thanks for you help !

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Bristow.
    6. März 2016 at 12:06 #19136

    I had to install drivers like this : http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:c1_lcdshield

    But i have some problems :/

    This is strange that drivers aren’t included in Max2play, don’t you think ?

    and i have a new one problem with Jivelite, it doesn’t want to start :
    JiveLite 0.1.0
    [0;33m20160306 09:51:12.333 INFO jivelite – JiveMain.lua:267 JiveLite version 0.1.0
    [0;31m20160306 09:51:12.339 ERROR jivelite.ui.draw – jiveL_initSDL:204 SDL_Init(V|T|A): Unable to open a console terminal

    6. März 2016 at 15:29 #19138

    Finally, i’ve taken and burn Max2play Image for C1+ and everything works fine with C1 !

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