Reply To: command prompt

25. Januar 2022 at 14:10 #51986

Hi Mario,


„If the Amp2 is recognised correctly, 3 volume controls should appear in the HiFiBerry plugin.“
-I confirm, they appear. So far, so good.

„In the advanced options of Squeezelite (in the audio player plugin) „sysdefault…hifiberry…“ should be selected as sound output.“
-I found this in my own device, easy enough to locate (tx), I’ll see what it says on the troubled device this evening. One thing though, from setting up from the new image, I killed the Squeezelight, Shaireport & Gmediarender <link> as I thought none of them where needed. I tinker with squeezelight this evening.

I hope the AMP2 is alive and well, Inshalla. If ever you need a crashtest dummy, for advanced super testing, then I’ll put my friend forward. He can break anything….I should never have let him out of his cage ;).

B.rgds Ras