Reply To: How best to update LMS / Logitech Media Server

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) How best to update LMS / Logitech Media Server Reply To: How best to update LMS / Logitech Media Server

13. Juli 2021 at 20:04 #51460

Hi Mario

Thanks. To see if and how it works, I entered this link:

in this field:

Alternative Paketquelle für LMS von Slimdevices (muss das Debian Package sein): [ ]

on the max2play web inteface – Squeezebox Server tab. Then I started the installation.

But it didn’t work and installed the current version 8.0.1 again. What did I wrong?


  • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by RK_aus_S.