Reply To: Shareport (Airplay) no sound/no longer working streaming Music from my iPhone

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) Shareport (Airplay) no sound/no longer working streaming Music from my iPhone Reply To: Shareport (Airplay) no sound/no longer working streaming Music from my iPhone

19. Juni 2020 at 13:49 #49054

Hi Fred,

Unfortunately I cannot play the video („video is not available“). Squeezelite, for example, would be a service that runs parallel to Shairport and may block the sound card. Can you test if Shairport works if you disable Squeezelite? Does the sound output match in the advanced settings of the two services?
There are two Airplay plugins for the Squeezebox Server that you could try. Here is a quick guide: