Max2Play Home › Forums › Max2Play on Raspberry PI › MPD – Music Player Daemon – Music Library local – no mpd clients will attach › Reply To: MPD – Music Player Daemon – Music Library local – no mpd clients will attach
ADDENDUM: Should add following information to original post above:
When YMPD client did not attach to the local RPi MPD server I tried installing Ampache MPD-client onto M2P v2.52 RaspberryPi (HiFi-Berry-Amp2) system using the M2P web interface tab page = „Music Player – MPD“ selecting the [INSTALL] button under „Install latest version of Ampache„. However, the Ampache installation process seemed to hang after 5 – 10 minutes of apt-get progress updates. Waited another 20 mins of no activity then rebooted RPi. RPi rebooted OK.
To continue/fix the prior possibly broken Ampache install: logged in with SSH from Fedora 32 linux machine and elevated with „su“ to user = root on RPi. On RPi from cmd line ran „apt-get update“ which finished OK, then „apt-get upgrade“ also finished OK. So it is possible my first attempt to install Ampache from M2P http interface has left the M2P RPi mis-configured somehow and that is interfering with install of MPD and YMPD ??? The M2P „Music Player – MPD“ web interface tab lists Ampache as „Ampache is NOT installed yet!“. No other music player (web tab „Audioplayer“) is auto-started at boot: unchecked Squeezelite [ ], left Shairport [ ] unchecked also.
— TEST BUILD ANOTHER M2P RPi-4b TO RUN Music-Player-Daemon —
As a last resort, I am willing to build another M2P RPi using a RPi-4b card I have as a test, flashing a new micro-SD memory card with the latest M2P v2.52 for HiFi-Berry adding an AudioPhonics I-Sabre v4 DAC hardware daughter card. Then test another installation of MPD and YMPD, without installing Ampache. This is not my first choice. I planned to work on the RPi-4 with M2P only when more time was available and after learning from mistakes made and corrected on my exisiting RPi3 system running LMS (squeezebox server) with HiFi-Berry Amp2 daughter card and hopefully MPD.
Hope this additional info helps troubleshoot the problems experienced installing MPD and YMPD-client on M2P RPi.