Reply To: When will max2play download be ready for Raspberry Pi 4

Max2Play Home Forums General Questions on Hardware and Max2Play Versions When will max2play download be ready for Raspberry Pi 4 Reply To: When will max2play download be ready for Raspberry Pi 4

1. Juli 2019 at 9:52 #45999

Hi everyone,

Thank you for chiming in and letting us know that you are interested in the new Pi as well! 🙂

We will discuss how quickly we can get a stable release of the 4B out and also evaluate the different RAM options for Max2Play applications.

As you may already know, the new Raspberry Pi 4B is only compatible with the newly released Raspbian Buster image by Raspberry Pi Foundation which came out even before the official Debian Buster release it is based on. So we will have to make sure there are no dependencies with Max2Play’s plugins and that the release is stable enough to start migrating.

So we appreciate all feedback on your experiences with the new Pi.