Reply To: Bluetooth and OpenHab notifications doesn't play any sound

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) Bluetooth and OpenHab notifications doesn't play any sound Reply To: Bluetooth and OpenHab notifications doesn't play any sound

29. November 2018 at 16:35 #42418

Hi Josh,

We’ll test these two features on a device here and let you know whether we can recreate the issue. Could point out any specialties about your setup? By no audio through openhab you mean by creating an applet in openhab for playback, it doesn’t respond to the commands you enter?

Regarding the license, send us a mail with a reference to this thread and I’ll create another 1-month license for you.
edit: we already added a possible fix in the newest beta of openhab, try deinstalling and reinstalling in beta.

  • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Heiner.