Reply To: Squeezebox server samba mount – raspi 3, Max2Play 2.45, Ubuntu server 16.04

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) Squeezebox server samba mount – raspi 3, Max2Play 2.45, Ubuntu server 16.04 Reply To: Squeezebox server samba mount – raspi 3, Max2Play 2.45, Ubuntu server 16.04

18. Februar 2018 at 7:55 #34039


I copied a track from the samba share /mnt/itunes into /mnt/mpd, changed the folder and track permissions to 777 and scanned the folder with success. Then I changed the permissions to those shown in /mnt/itunes for both directory (770) and track (540), re-scanned the folder and the music disappeared from LMS.

All folders needed on /mnt/itunes needed to changed to 775, at the server.
sudo find /srv/nas/itunes -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
All files had to be changed to 664.
sudo find /srv/nas/itunes -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
Obviously this needed to be done from the Ubuntu server end as Max2Play user pi will not be a sudoer on the network server.