Reply To: [SOLVED] Squeezeboxlite recognized by server but does’n recognize server

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) [SOLVED] Squeezeboxlite recognized by server but does’n recognize server Reply To: [SOLVED] Squeezeboxlite recognized by server but does’n recognize server

14. Dezember 2017 at 18:01 #32950

Thank you for your reply Heiner.

The server and the client can ping each other so there must me a connection..

The options you gave me ran out to nothing. Removed all USB devices, changed the output back to default and checked for the „unwanted“ ticks (which were not there). Rebooted the player and still no connection.

I decided to reinstall the server with the latest image (244) form the download section. Installed the v7.9.0 version of the server and again the same result… I reinstalled the client with the same image (which is newer then the precompiled 232 image) and configured the 7″ display by hand. Still no coneection

After some googling I found somewhere on the slimdevices forum the solution to add „-s <IP of the server>“ to the „Command Line Options“ of squeezelite and it worked! Don’t ask me why but for me it is solved. If there is something specific you want to know be free to ask.

Thanks again

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by MartijnD.