Reply To: What Max2Play-Version für Beocreate?

24. November 2017 at 23:55 #32626

Hey guys,

this definitely is one of that faults, that ends problem-threads in internet-forums without further feedback^^
But not here… You have to stand by it if your dumb. So will I 😀

It was a jumper that was set… A MUTE-JUMPER! 😀

In terms of my defense:
There was no single word about even existing such a jumper^^ And it’s set to „Mute“ by default, so you have to remove it to make the board play sound. And the lettering „mute“ is approx. half of a millimeter, so i want to invoke extenuating circumstances^^

After removing it, the Beocreate plays sound without any problem… Also with Max2Play. So, problem 1 solved, next to go 😉



  • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Spartan117.