Reply To: What Max2Play-Version für Beocreate?

21. November 2017 at 20:52 #32578

Hello folks,

maybe someone can help me…
I received the beocreate, bought a Raspberry Pi 3B V1.2 and also bought a Max2Play-Licence.
Burned the image to a sd-card, install worked and Max2Play is running.
But i can’t get it to output sound…
I managed to install bluetooth, squeezebox-server and so on, but i can’t get the soundcard to output anything…

What do i have to select regarding soundcard in the menu Hifiberry? Nothing, i think, as it is not a Hifiberry-card, right?
But what will i have to select then? And in what menu?

As i said, i got the squeezebox-server running and there i can „play“ a online-radio by tunein. So there should be audio if i can find the correct settings for the soundcard…

Any help would be appreciated 😉

