Reply To: SD card write-protect plugin breaks Max2Play web interface

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons SD card write-protect plugin breaks Max2Play web interface Reply To: SD card write-protect plugin breaks Max2Play web interface

30. Oktober 2017 at 13:22 #32188

Hi guys,

Please do make sure that none of your „available plugins“ still have autostarts set as these will run in the background if they are fully configured. If there are any you had running before that might still have a process in autostart, please reactivate them to make sure they are all removed.

I started with a fresh install of Max2Play and set up Spotify Connect and RPi-Display. Unfortunately, I could not recreate any issue after enabling the SD protection.

: Could please detail what you mean by nothing else? Did you have all other plugins removed from the menu? Do you have any autostarts left? Are you able to start Spotify Connect? If so, when and how do the problems occur?