Max2Play Home › Forums › Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) › Squeezebox server only playing a few seconds of tracks.. › Reply To: Squeezebox server only playing a few seconds of tracks..
Okay, thanks for clearing this up. The problem with this purported bug, is that amongst the whole community of Max2Play it is only experienced by a few. In addition, the LMS depends on the Pi’s workload in combination with the size and variation of your music libary. These factors first and foremost command the smoothness with which the LMS runs. Also, we recently added support for the new LMS 7.9 and trying to phase out the nightly uses as they can also cause issues.
For most users, there is no problem whatsoever with LMS under Max2Play. For some, a little tweaking of the settings might be necessary. For others, an entirely different issue might be the root problem and can be determined here based on a few questions of mine. Usually, I pride myself on our community’s quick responses and open interaction which results in 99 percent of all issues being solved rather quickly. However, here the issue is more vague. You can check the vitals of Pi when first indexing the LMS with your library in the Settings/Reboot menu. Yet, I assume you are interested in further trouble shooting as seem to have found your solution.
Nonetheless, I would appreciate it if other users could still get the chance to find out their actual issue instead of jumping to another platform. This is always a possible solution, but not one they need to navigate to the Max2Play forums for.