Reply To: Squeezebox server only playing a few seconds of tracks..

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) Squeezebox server only playing a few seconds of tracks.. Reply To: Squeezebox server only playing a few seconds of tracks..

12. Mai 2017 at 12:39 #28817

Hi Mohammad

Hardware /Software
Player 1 : Pi 3B / Justboom Dac – Max2play (Justboom) 2.4.2 / Squeezelite (wifi)

Player 2 : Pi 3B / Allo Kali + Piano2.1 – Max2Play (Allo) 2.4.2 / Squeezelite (tried both wifi & ethernet) / Squeeze Server 7.9 nightly – music on USB SSD.

Player 3 : MacPro 2 / Squeezeplay ( ethernet ) this plays fine.

Player 4 : iPad / iPeng (wifi) this plays fine.

Remote server 1 : Player 2 above

Remote server 2 : MacPro 1 / LMS 7.7.5 then updated to 7.9.1 – music on internal SSD.

In use :

Players 3 & 4 always work, whether connected to server 1 or 2.

The Pi players only work with directly connected SSD, with either remote server (Pi or MacPro) tracks play for a couple of seconds then stop, try again same behaviour.

Hope you can help 🙂

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by anotbot.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by anotbot.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by anotbot.