Reply To: Issue using Raspi1 with Hifiberry DAC and Adafruit 2,8" Touchscreen on max2play

Max2Play Home Forums General Questions on Hardware and Max2Play Versions Issue using Raspi1 with Hifiberry DAC and Adafruit 2,8" Touchscreen on max2play Reply To: Issue using Raspi1 with Hifiberry DAC and Adafruit 2,8" Touchscreen on max2play

20. April 2017 at 22:57 #28393

Hi Mohammad,

Thanks for the clarification. My Hifiberry DAC (not DAC+) came from Hifiberry with a longer GPIO header though, which at the time was an official option – which means it is stackable (thus physically that works fine to have both Hifiberry DAC and the Display attached at the same time)

When I follow your steps (which are pretty much the ones I described above) I repeatedly run into the same issue. Tried 3 times.
Also checked your step 6, trying out every option – including checking things under the console (alsa + speaker-test, etc.). Again, everything is there and looks OK, but no sound coming from the speakers.

As Ronald seems to have experienced the same as I, it still feels there really is an issue with the display plugin.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by lumihei.