Reply To: [SOLVED] How do I uncheck "Load WiFi Interface ?

22. Februar 2017 at 1:16 #27104

How can I do the same thing on the command line because when I unclick this on the web page it just does dims it with a circle and never comes back! I think because it don’t have the IP address any more. I have to edit the nano /etc/network/interfaces it looks like it puts # at the start of some lines and I remove them and then /etc/init.d/networking restart then it goes it’s IP back. Here is the check I am talking about in this photo.

I want to uncheck the Load WiFi Interface but it never comes back after that.

This only has WiFi and RS-232 and it seems Max2play will mass it up on a reboot so I have to fix the WiFi all the time. I think if I can uncheck the Load WiFi Interface: It will keep it’s WiFi on a reboot then.

So how can I do the same on the command line like uncheck that?

-Raymond Day

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Raymond Day.