Reply To: Higher bitrate songs freezing LMS

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) Higher bitrate songs freezing LMS Reply To: Higher bitrate songs freezing LMS

28. Dezember 2016 at 1:09 #25280

For those looking to disable the bluetooth and the built in audio here is a small guide

Disabling rpi3 bluetooth

Here is a link that walks you through disabling rpi3 bluetooth.

Note: you will either need to use the mouse and keyboard or connect to it remotely with SSH:

Disabling in built in audio using raspi-config

Built in audio can be disabled using ‚raspi-config‘.

You will need to install it as root or using sudo: (it might already be installed)

# sudo apt-get install raspi-config

Walk through the menus and it should have an option for this.

Disabling built in audio card using command line

Here is a link

It’s pretty straight forward.