Reply To: Rpi2 + Amp+ +M2P – no sound

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Rpi2 + Amp+ +M2P – no sound Reply To: Rpi2 + Amp+ +M2P – no sound

13. Dezember 2016 at 4:01 #24814

Still no sound using Squeezebox Server. I did get MPD Player running again (plays radio stations, but my music in the /mnt/mpd folder does not appear).
Now when I stop MPD and un-check the „run at startup“, and
start Squeezebox server (Status: Squeezebox Server is running with processID 1274) and
start Squeezelite (Status: Squeezelite is running with processID 1600) and
open the Squeezebox Wed Administration, and
choose a radio station,
it appears to play (time increments on play bar) but no sound.

Please advise.
