Reply To: No sound after a few hours

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3. November 2016 at 18:17 #23657

Hallo LowTech,

Bitte füge folgendes bei Squeezelite – Erweiterte Einstellungen – Kommandozeilenparameter ein:

-o hw:0 -V Digital

In unserem Wiki findest du eine entsprechende Erklärung zu den Parametern:

-o Specify output device, default “default”, – = output to stdout
-V Use ALSA control for volume adjustment, otherwise use software volume adjustment

Please add the following at Squeezelite – Advanced Settings – Command Line Parameters :

-o hw:0 -V Digital

In our Wiki you will find an explanation for the parameters:

-o Specify output device, default “default”, – = output to stdout
-V Use ALSA control for volume adjustment, otherwise use software volume adjustment
Best Regards