Reply To: Shairtunes2 Plugin not loading on Max2Play 2.37

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) Shairtunes2 Plugin not loading on Max2Play 2.37 Reply To: Shairtunes2 Plugin not loading on Max2Play 2.37

3. November 2016 at 11:39 #23642

thanks – it works well now 🙂
Another question:
When the Raspberry is turned on and connected to my TV, it always switches the source back to the Raspberry after some seconds, even if Kody is stopped.
How can I prevent it to send the CEC signal to the TV? I would like to keep Kodi up and running but I don’t want it to switch the AV automatically.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Webkemmi.