Reply To: No audio of Kodi until a Kodi stop/start (USB-DAC)

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on ODROID U3/C1 No audio of Kodi until a Kodi stop/start (USB-DAC) Reply To: No audio of Kodi until a Kodi stop/start (USB-DAC)

11. März 2016 at 17:52 #19207

Hi mkkyah,

if the reason for your problem is Pulseaudio, you may want to try either of the two options:

1) Edit /opt/max2play/ and uncomment the line that says killall pulseaudio
2) Run this script manually as root before you start Kodi.

Please let us know if this helps. In any case, it is also advisable to install the latest image build for your U3.

Roman from Max2Play

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Roman.