Reply To: Issues getting IQAudio to work on MPD or Squeezeserver

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Issues getting IQAudio to work on MPD or Squeezeserver Reply To: Issues getting IQAudio to work on MPD or Squeezeserver

30. Januar 2016 at 15:48 #18259

Started again: reformatted SD card, imaged m2p_iqaudio, rebooted pi, logged on to Max2Play, selected IQAudio card, restarted.
Expanded filesystem, updated Max2PLay, reboot.
Selected Advanced set-up under IQAudio, installed Squeezebox 7.9. Opened Logitech Media Server. It found the (previously missing) USB stick that I had just inserted. Rescanned music database….and it works.
Repeated the process on a second SD card for a second IQAdio player in another room, but didn’t install Sqeezebox server – found that squeeezelite is already installed. Found the new player from it’s web address (located via my router), selected IQAudio, expanded filesystem.
Now both players up and running, either synchronised or playing different music in each room. Both are wired into a home network.
Success! The IQAUdio DAC sounds fantastic. Both are operated using Orangesqueeze on an Android phone.

Next question – how do I adjust ALSA volume in the Max2PLay settings? IQAUdio recommend turning down the ALSA volume to around 81%, so how do I do that?