Reply To: [SOLVED] HIfiberry image – EQ not working

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI [SOLVED] HIfiberry image – EQ not working Reply To: [SOLVED] HIfiberry image – EQ not working

27. Juli 2015 at 14:41 #15214

Hi Atinkler,

the current equalizer on the audioplayer tab is only working with squeezelite. As the MPD-Player needs the user „mpd“ and not the system user „pi“ to control the equalizer, we have to add the equalizer feature to the „Music Player MPD“ tab with slightly different settings to get it working. Besides that, you need to set the Sound Device in the soundcard settings of the MPD player to „plug:plugequal“. If you do not want to wait until our next release you may run this on the console as root to change the equalizer settings:
„usermod -aG audio mpd“
„sudo -H -u mpd alsamixer -D equal“
