Reply To: raspi not booting – bricked?

24. Januar 2019 at 21:35 #44153

Hi Heiner,
I did, like you described, burned the image to a sd card, but it didn’t work. I tried the original one, I bought with the m2p on, but it didn’t work either. In the browser it says still:

loadViewHeader(); // search for Controller and View by Name in URL if (! isset($_GET[‚page‘]) || strpos($_GET[‚page‘], ‚plugin‘) === FALSE) { $pagename = preg_replace(‚=[^0-9a-zA-Z\.]=‘, “, isset($_GET[‚page‘]) ? $_GET[‚page‘] : “); if ($pagename == “) { // get Default Plugin for first Page foreach ($service->plugins[‚plugin‘] as $plugin) { if (isset($plugin[‚default‘]) && $plugin[‚default‘] == 1) { include_once (APPLICATION_PATH . $plugin[‚path‘]); break; } } } } else { // get Plugin by Config… check for Images or other Content if(preg_match(‚=\.(png|jpg|gif|pdf)$=‘, $_GET[‚page‘])){ // just Output Content $file = APPLICATION_PATH . ‚/‘ . $_GET[‚page‘]; ob_clean(); $size = getimagesize($file); header(‚Content-Type: ‚.$size[‚mime‘]); header(‚Content-Length: ‚.filesize($file)); readfile($file); exit; }else{ include_once (APPLICATION_PATH . ‚/‘ . $_GET[‚page‘]); } } $service->loadViewFooter(); ob_flush();

Is there anything else, I could try to get the raspi to life again?

Best regards