Reply To: Spotify Connect service crashes if used when Squeezelite player not paused

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons Spotify Connect service crashes if used when Squeezelite player not paused Reply To: Spotify Connect service crashes if used when Squeezelite player not paused

16. Oktober 2017 at 18:57 #31907

I will try that, but unless there has been a very new build of librespot I suspect there will be no change.

I refer you to Issue #165 on librespot github, raised 17 March and apparently still open ( It was also recently announced ( that plietar can no longer support librespot.

Having said that, I do have a Pi Zero running Volumio 2 with their Volumio Spotify Connect 2 which is also based on librespot and I find that does work OK. Start playing through Spotify connect while currently playing via say AirPlay and it will allow the Spotify control if the Airplay is paused after the Spotify has started. I do wonder if they are simply relaunching the librespot or using it in a different way. Whatever, it is more elegant than the Max2Play implementation crashing and needing restarting.

With regards to librespot, what happens now ? Everybody seems to have switched to it including yourselves, Volumio, I believe the Spotty LMS plugin is built around librespot, as are some hardware products. Will someone pick it up and run with it ? Will we ever get gapless Spotify Connect ? Am I going to have to buy a Yamaha WXAD-10, I hope not.

Thanks for the time you spend on this project and your help


  • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by theonlyfoz.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by theonlyfoz. Reason: rephrasing