Reply To: Mounting issues

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons Mounting issues Reply To: Mounting issues

18. April 2017 at 11:49 #28320

Hi Ronald,

Please have a look on the below information:

Network Shares (e.g. shares on Synology Diskstation with SMB/CIFS) are mounted following the example:

Path (IP or hostname and Path): for type cifs: //IP-ADDRESS/PATH

Mountpoint on Max2Play (for usage in Squeezebox Server or XBMC): /mnt/mountdir/ Mountpoint must be a subdirectory in /mnt/ OR /media/ and will be generated, if it is not existing.

Type: mostly cifs (in special NFS setups nfs)

Options (user, password and other options for network share): e.g. user=name,password=pass,sec=ntlm,iocharset=utf8

important: always add to the options sec=ntlm!

Note on NFS-Shares: you must use another Path and no user credentials in options! Example: IP-ADDRESS:PATH or *:PATH

If encountering problems with setting up shares you may reset the configuration file on Settings-Page („Reset configs to Max2Play delivery configuration“).

Best Regards,
Mohammad Mbydeen

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Mbydeen.