Reply To: [SOLVED] Mount only if the NAS is running…

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons [SOLVED] Mount only if the NAS is running… Reply To: [SOLVED] Mount only if the NAS is running…

28. Februar 2017 at 23:40 #27357

Alright, I got it working. Instead of delaying at boot, i added a script that does the following:
If the directory is mounted –> do nothing
If the directory is not mounted:
– check if the NAS is reachable (using ping)
– if yes, mount

here’s my code (don’t forget to add noauto to your mountpoint in fstab)


if mount | grep /mnt/Music > /dev/null; then
        echo "/mnt/Music already mounted - nothing to do"
        echo "/mnt/Music not mounted, pinging discworld"
        if ping -c 2 "myServer" >/dev/null; then
                mount /mnt/Music
                echo "/mnt/Music successfully mounted"

in the end, i’m calling this script every minute in crontab:

* * * * * root /usr/local/bin/

Thanks for your help heiner!

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by GumbyMan.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by GumbyMan. Reason: Corrected typo and added information about noauto in fstab