Reply To: Support for Sharewave 3.5 LCD Touchscreen

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Development (Ideas, Wishes) Support for Sharewave 3.5 LCD Touchscreen Reply To: Support for Sharewave 3.5 LCD Touchscreen

27. Februar 2016 at 13:23 #18801

Hi !

I’ve find a big tuto. It’s ok with touchscreen control panel control chip XPT2046 (like this one ). Everything is ok for me now 🙂

I hope max2play staff will integrate these changes in future releases.

How to Setup an LCD Touchscreen on the Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Touchscreen Calibration and Screen Rotation

You need to apply it more to make it work:

nano /boot/config.txt
after the last entry:
Press Ctrl-X then Y to exit nano and save the changes.

nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
Section „InputClass“
Identifier „evdev touchscreen catchall“
MatchIsTouchscreen „on“
MatchDevicePath „/dev/input/event*“
Driver „evdev“
Option „InvertY“ „true“
Press Ctrl-X then Y to exit nano and save the changes.