Reply To: Scheduled clear LMS cache.db with system reboot

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Development (Ideas, Wishes) Scheduled clear LMS cache.db with system reboot Reply To: Scheduled clear LMS cache.db with system reboot

21. September 2015 at 22:07 #15764

Hi Heiner,
My steps are:
-Stop LMS
-ssh to odroid
-delete /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/cache.db
-reboot or restart LMS

I’m sure you know picoreplayer’s UI, there is a section where you setup a cronjob for a reboot. I think an automatic daily/weekly/monthly reboot can be chosen in one of the Max2Play UI tabs. Additionally a checkbox for „LMS cache cleanup“ can be integrated to that reboot.
Best Regards,

BTW: I can’t edit my first post, there is a missing word, it should be „some LMS plugins..“ In my case smartmix plugin needs regular cache cleanup, otherwise it’s not playing my receipes.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by mkkyah.