Reply To: Max2play user tutorial for Justboom DAC

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Max2play user tutorial for Justboom DAC Reply To: Max2play user tutorial for Justboom DAC

24. Januar 2019 at 0:02 #44107

Just a quick update. The Justboom DAC is perfectly fine and I could finally test it. I decided today to install a fresh Raspberian Stretch Light image (just 360MB to download). I never have used this image before and it took me 15 minutes to get my Justboom DAC running with raspotify by following the tutorials on the Justboom and raspotify homepages. And the actual installation of raspotify only took 3 minutes, the rest was for the base config of the image and enabling the Justboom audio driver. This is what I call simple and well tested. That being said I want to return to exploring all the other features that max2play offers after the Spotify Connect Plugin error is solved, so any inputs are still very appreciated.